Druh: Pu-erh
Země: Čína
Oblast: Yunnan
Sklizeň: 2013
Prodejce: Essence of Tea
Tagy: Sheng - Raw Puerh , Maocha , Bulang , 2013
This tea is a blend of a few single tree teas from Bangwei and Bulang. These trees stand out from their neighbours as some of the biggest and oldest trees in their gardens.
This is a very special tea. It is composed of a large proportion of buds, from the first flush of Spring. The taste is very pure, thick and with plenty of strength. There is a hint of taste from the wok, perhaps it wasn't cleaned properly between batches during hand-processing, but this should settle over the coming months.
This is sold loose - per gram or in 50g boxes.
This is the first of our 2013 teas to arrive back from Yunnan - the others are coming on the slow boat and should be here early July.