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NaKa 2013 - blind tasting set 3

NaKa 2013 - blind tasting set 3
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení

tento čaj je možné objednať iba ako vzorku, max. množstvo vzoriek z tohto čaju je 2 pre každú objednávku vonia ako kôrka čerstvo upečeného chlebíka s ovocným nádychom, veľmi špecifická vôna aj chuť, razantná horkosť, miestami veľmi podobná tej z Lao Banzhangu, strácajúca po chvíly a zanecháva silnú a príjemnú dochuť, práve podoba z Banzhangom ževraj preto Naka lístky sa používajú na výrobu dobrých napodobením, fake-ov, Banzhangu, tento rok tento čaj iba na vzorky, 5 kg čaju...

HeKai 2013 - blind tasting set 2

HeKai 2013 - blind tasting set 2
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

pekne vyvážená horkosť so závanom nasládlosti, krásná medovo-ovocná aróma, príjemný a čistý pocit po vypití čaju v ústach, v druhom náleve už cítiť bohatosť a hutnú textúru čaju, na jazyku už po pár dúškoch sa drží ustálená dochuť s vysúšajúcim efektom, šálka vonia parfemizujúco, ďaľšie nálevy pekne dávajú - razatné a sirupovité, skondezované chute, celkovo by som charakterizoval chuť ako zaoblenú, zmäkčenú horkosť s ovocným pozadím tohtoročné ručné lisovanie jarných pu-erh...

BaDa 2013 - blind tasting set 1

BaDa 2013 - blind tasting set 1
4.8 stars 2 hodnocení, 1 komentář

samotné zlisované voňajú silne ovocne, chuť je horkasto, orieškovo, mandlovo, ovocno, svieža, vyvážená, veľmi prijemná, taká fancy až Banzhang-ovitá horkosť, pomaly sa strácajúca v ústach, vyvolávajúca slinenia s pocitom suchosti v ústach tohtoročné ručné lisovanie jarných pu-erh koláčov sa robilo v malej, skúsenej fabričkej v Yiwu, je oveľa silnejšie, viac práce pri rozoberaní lístočkov na vzorky pre mňa, je to z dôvodu aby sa pri dlhšom, viac ako 10 ročnom skladovaní koláče...

Sheng 2013 Blind Tasting Set

Sheng 2013 Blind Tasting Set
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Buy only teas you like not teas you think you like! This is a blind tasting set of all pu-erh.sk spring puerh teas. The samples are numbered and its identity can be revealed at any time by a request. If you don not like this game you always can buy a usual tasting set of the same teas with labels. There are 7 samples per 7 grams. The whole set is about 13% cheaper than buying the samples one by one. In case you guess the correct name for each tea you win a 50...

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Mengsong is one of the oldest ancient tea area in Menghai. Baotang old village is located next to the ancient tea garden. The ancient tea gardens are at an altitude of 1800 meters above the mountains. We tasted many kinds of Maocha and this is one of the pure Gushu(Ancient tea trees) tea samples. This tea has soft texture - mildly sweet and flowers aromas. Slightly bitter, cool and refreshing feeling left in the mouth.

2011 "Zi Qi Dong Lai" Ripe Puerh Cake 150g

2011 "Zi Qi Dong Lai" Ripe Puerh Cake 150g
4.5 stars 2 hodnocení

"Zi Qi Dong Lai" : The Purple Air coming from the east -- a propitious omen (from the East) is approaching This small ripe puerh cake has been produced exclusively for our shop and Czech tea-sellers. We tasted many different materials and chose this blend together.Two kinds of materials from Menghai are in the blend: 2006 5th grade from Haiwan Tea Factory (stored in Anning) and 2008 Gongting (the highest quality ripe puerh) from a small factory in Menghai...

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred Mark“ Beeng Cha

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred Mark“ Beeng Cha
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Zpracování: přerušení oxidace, rolování, sušení na slunci, vlhčení, lisování provedené hydraulicky, čaj však lze vcelku dobře dělit. List: list excelentní kvality s velmi dobrým podílem tipsů, celkový vzhled je úpravný a jednotný. Vůně suchého listu je středně silná, harmonická, květová s tóny tmavého ovoce a třtinového cukru. <b>Nálev: </b> barva nálevu je medově zlatavá, vůně plně koresponduje s vůní suchého listu, oproti které se více prosazuje tmavý tón. Chuť nálevu je silná...

2013 Yunnan Simao Premium Green Tea "Gao Shan Yin Ya"

2013 Yunnan Simao Premium Green Tea "Gao Shan Yin Ya"
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

This is one of the best quality green tea which is produced in Yunnan province. First spring harvest in early March 2013 from high mountain, picked tender buds and carefully processed. Though this tea is often called "Bi luo Chun" in the marketplace, Neither appearance nor taste are similar with original "Bi Luo Chun". The materials were picked from Yunnan varietal tree - Yun Kang No.10 (different from Bi Luo Chun Xiao Ye Zhong tree). So we name this tea "Gao Shan Yin Ya" and it means...

2013 Chawangpu "Shuang Shu" Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2013 Chawangpu "Shuang Shu" Xiao Bing Cha 200g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

This is the first time we made blending raw puer cake, so we took advice from a more experienced tea seller, who is also a friend. He offered many high quality Maocha from Mengsong area. The materials we chose came from the highest altitude (1860m) place, next to the Naban river national nature reserve. Far away from noise and pollution! Jingmai tea came from the same tea-maker as last year. We watched them only pick ancient trees for us. All the tea leaves are from one single...

1997 CNNP Big Red Mark Raw Puerh Cake

1997 CNNP Big Red Mark Raw Puerh Cake
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce: This cake is called "Da Hong Yin" or Big Red Mark. It's a blend from Banna area tea leaves and the raw materials are pressed into wooden molds that give them their irregular shape. The weight of these cakes are from 380g to 430g. The tea was stored in Hongkong traditional storage and then moved to Malasia. Its clean wet storage without white 'frost' on the surface.Aged aroma with hint of nutty, deep and clean tea soup. Smooth and sweet. The mouthfeel is complex, huigan is...

2013 Chawangpu "Gao Shan Liu Shui" Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2013 Chawangpu "Gao Shan Liu Shui" Xiao Bing Cha 200g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

高山流水 [gāo shān liú shuǐ] :lofty mountains and flowing water; -- referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet [find] people who can really appreciate them. These cakes are a blend of the high mountain ancient tree tea from Mengku and Menghai area. The Menghai materials came from 2012 spring harvest and were matured for a year in Kunming, then blend with 2013 early spring tea from Mengku East Mid-levels. The tea has a strong taste, fresh,...

2013 Chawangpu "He He" Xiao Bing Raw 200g

2013 Chawangpu "He He" Xiao Bing Raw 200g
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

He he is the last cake from Chawangpu 2013 spring production we offer now. He He is another Chinese name for two famous Chinese poets and Tao - Chan legendary figures. Han shan (寒山) and Shide (拾得). Hanshan and his sidekick Shide are honored as emanations of the boddhisatva Manjusri and Samantabhadra. They were very famous in China but now they are well know only in Chinese New year and wedding motives like He He. He-He er xian (Chinese: 和合二仙; pinyin: Hé-Hé èr xiān, i.e. "Two...

2007 Banzhang Tuocha Certified Organic Raw 250g

2007 Banzhang Tuocha Certified Organic Raw 250g
4.2 stars 2 hodnocení

This tuo is composed from spring material from Menghai area (most from Bulang mountain) and from different years. The quality and selection of raw material are much more better than 2008 Menghai Tuocha we also offer. Traditional sun-dried material was blended well and pressed careful. Tightly compression is good for long term storage. This tea was stored few years in Menghai and then moved to Kunming. Humid, hot and clean Menghai storage is big benefit for maturation. Mellow but still...

2013 Zhejiang Long Jing Hong Cha AAA Grade

2013 Zhejiang Long Jing Hong Cha AAA Grade
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Material came from the same tea trees with Longjing green tea. The dry tea leaves are rolled tightly and full of aroma. The liquor has a deep ruby red, aroma of ripe berries, nuts and cinnamon with a little dark chocolate flavor, fresh and velvety smooth mouthfeel, with a surprisingly long, charming aftertaste. Really worth a try! Producing area : Hangzhou area , Zhejiang province Production date : Early April 2013

2013 Jinggu Da Bai Hao Hong Cha

2013 Jinggu Da Bai Hao Hong Cha
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Jinggu area, it's famous for one of varietal tea trees – Da Bai Hao – “Big White tomentum”. The tea leaves and buds with dense white tomentum are larger than other tea variety. Its delicate aroma is sweet and appealing, its taste is thick mellow and unforgettable. This is one of highest Yunnan black tea production - first harvest, hand picked and highly selective process. Pleasant taste of Yunnan Hong Cha (black teas). The dry material - hairy aromatic long buds. Rich flavorful...

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„煎茶 Senča (Sencha, sekaný čaj) - Nejrozšířenější typ japonského čaje. List, jehož oxidace byla zastavena napařením, je svinut do tenkých tmavě zelených jehliček. Sencha označuje způsob zpracování čaje, lze se tedy setkat s čaji velmi nízké kvality až po zcela ručně zpracované exkluzivní čaje, jejichž cena dosahuje takřka astronomických hodnot.“

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