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Červený čaj - Yunnan - 2014

2014 Autumn Mengsong Old Tree Organic Red Tea

2014 Autumn Mengsong Old Tree Organic Red Tea
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

This tea come from Mengsong area and single mountain and autumn late September harvest. Nowadays the old tree or gushu red tea is very popular. Most of these teas in the market have one problem. The processing is very bad. Our friend who is experienced puerh tea producer in Menghai invited an Fengqing red tea maker to help him make good red tea from their organic old tree garden. Trees in this mountain have 80-200 years and grown wild in the forest. This tea have heavy honey aroma, dark...




„Studie z roku 2006 publikovaná 13. září v magazínu Journal of the American Medial Association uvádí „Konzumace zeleného čaje je spojená se snížením úmrtnosti zapříčineným rakovinou“. “

Zdroj Web: Zelený čaj: Zelený čaj a zdraví[online]. Wikipedie. Dostupné z WWW: <ý_čaj>. [q153] [s35]

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