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Gushu - Yunnan

2013 Spring Hekai Gu Shu Mao Cha

2013 Spring Hekai Gu Shu Mao Cha
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Tato mao cha byla sklizena v jeden den v jedné čajové zahradě. Světle žlutý nálev s bohatou vůní divokých květů; postupný nástup uhlazené, jemné chuti v ústech; čerstvá delikátní chuť. Tento vzorek vám pomůže poznat čaj z oblasti Hekai.

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2001

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2001
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Vyrobené na objednávku, privatná produkcia “Zhong Cha Gong Si” vo fabrike Day (Menghai tea factory). Obal originálneho ročníka 2001 od Day vyzerá trocha inak. Použité čajové lístky pochádzajú zo starých, stromových čajovníkov. Chuť čaju je už pekne vyprofilovaná, vyhladená ale stále ešte má poteciál sa posunúť ďalej, cítiť stále miernu horkosť, ktorá sa rokmi bude meniť na sladkasté tóny. Čaj bol po väčšinu svojho života archivovaný v čínskom...

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha
4.2 stars 2 hodnocení

This tea is collected from ancient, wild trees on Wuliang mountain. These are truely wild trees, that haven't been planted by humans and average around 800-1000 years old. The leaves naturally have honey like characteristics in the taste and aroma, which lends them very well to being made into hongcha (Red/Black tea). I find it difficult to get excited by many hongcha - the oxidisation often seems to mute many of the characteristics of teas that I find most enjoyable. This one...

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Mengsong is one of the oldest ancient tea area in Menghai. Baotang old village is located next to the ancient tea garden. The ancient tea gardens are at an altitude of 1800 meters above the mountains. We tasted many kinds of Maocha and this is one of the pure Gushu(Ancient tea trees) tea samples. This tea has soft texture - mildly sweet and flowers aromas. Slightly bitter, cool and refreshing feeling left in the mouth.

2013 Chawangpu "Gao Shan Liu Shui" Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2013 Chawangpu "Gao Shan Liu Shui" Xiao Bing Cha 200g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

高山流水 [gāo shān liú shuǐ] :lofty mountains and flowing water; -- referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet [find] people who can really appreciate them. These cakes are a blend of the high mountain ancient tree tea from Mengku and Menghai area. The Menghai materials came from 2012 spring harvest and were matured for a year in Kunming, then blend with 2013 early spring tea from Mengku East Mid-levels. The tea has a strong taste, fresh,...

2007 Zhen Si Long "Autumn Harvest Yi Wu" Raw Pu-erh tea cake

2007 Zhen Si Long "Autumn Harvest Yi Wu" Raw Pu-erh tea cake
4.5 stars 2 hodnocení

Fall 2007 Harvest * Yi Wu Wild Tea trees * 357 grams Zhen Si Long Tea company of Yi Wu is a small family run tea factory based in the Yi Wu mountain area of Xishuangbanna. Zhen Si Long has been producing teas since the late 90's and does many private pressings (like this year's Hai Lang Hao) as well as their own productions. This tea cake is produced entirely from Fall Harvest 2007 tea from Gao Shan Zhai and Luo Shui Dong area of Yi Wu. The leaves being fall harvest are...

2005 Changda Hao Yiwu Mansa Gu Shu Cha Raw Puerh Cake 400g

2005 Changda Hao Yiwu Mansa Gu Shu Cha Raw Puerh Cake 400g
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Changda Hao is one of famous and established earlier tea factory in Yiwu town. Changda Hao - also called Manluo Tea Factory adhere to the traditional process since its foundation in 1999. Each batch of manufactured according to traditional way - pure sun-dried materials, manual stone press, bamboo packaging, bamboo split strapping, classic design. Changda Hao produced two set of Six famous tea mountain raw puerh cake in 2005, and this is one cake from one set. Mansa is higher...

2012 Mangfei "Da Ye Chun" Early Spring Raw Puerh Cake 400g

2012 Mangfei "Da Ye Chun" Early Spring Raw Puerh Cake 400g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Tento vysoce kvalitní čaj ze starých čajovníků pochází z malého obchůdku v Yongde. Byl použit časně jarní materiál z čajovníků starých 80-300 let. Mangfei je jedna z vysokých hor Yongde. Byl použit tradiční proces „sha-qing“ (kill-green) v pánvi wok, sušen na sluníčku a poté pečlivě lisován do 400g koláčů. Vůně suchých lístků je silná a skvělá. Čajová polévka je žlutě zelená, jiskřivě průzračná a voňavá. Chuť je plná, silná s rychlým huigan. Na jazyku zanechává květinově nasládlou chuť....

2012 Mangzhi Huang Shan Cha Xiao Bing 200g

2012 Mangzhi Huang Shan Cha Xiao Bing 200g
4.0 stars 2 hodnocení

This tea came from Mangzhi mountain which is located in the west of Xiangming village Mengla county, and next to the Gedeng mountain. Mangzhi tea mountain once had a very glorious history, but suffered a setback in the local wars during the end of the Qing Dynasty. Early spring harvest from wild arbor tea trees. Traditional “sha-qing” (kill-green) processing in wok and sun-dried. Select maocha was pressed by stone to this small pretty cake. A pleasing depth of...

2012 Chawangpu Yiwu Zhangjiawan Gu Shu Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2012 Chawangpu Yiwu Zhangjiawan Gu Shu Xiao Bing Cha 200g
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Our Yiwu gushu for this year comes from an old village in Mansa area - Zhang Jia Wan Lao Zhai (张家湾老寨). Zhang Jia Wan Lao Zhai is a village more than 30km away from Yiwu town, and 13km from Zhang Jia Wan Xin Zhai(张家湾新寨), bordering Laos in the south. There is big area of ancient tea trees garden. Many of them was chopped down or burned around 1981. The stance to "gu cha shu" was very different at that time. Maocha cost only a fraction of today's price and old high trees were a...

2011 Mengmao Lao Shu Ye Sheng Xiao Bing 100g

2011 Mengmao Lao Shu Ye Sheng Xiao Bing 100g
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

2011 Spring harvest. This material come from Baoshan area, 2600 meters high mountain closed with Mengmao village. There is home for wild arbor big tea trees in ecological environment. This tea is 100% organic - more than 90% vegetation cover, it's a beautiful place free from pollution. Residence is known for undiscovered "paradise", "tea tree ancestor". This kind of wild tea has special purple color leaves. This tea is called three color tea. Fresh leaves are purple, dried tea is...

2012 Chawangpu Jingmai Gu Shu Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2012 Chawangpu Jingmai Gu Shu Xiao Bing Cha 200g
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

This tea is from Jingmai Da Zhai, grown on the Da Ping Zhang area, and is considered some of the finest Jingmai tea available. Another famous tea village is Mangjing. The Mangjing tea taste more simple and bitter, therefore be sold at a lower price. Jingmai mountain is famous for middle/little leaf tea (中小叶种茶) which is popular for its sweet taste and floral aroma. Jingmai Da Zhai is one of the most famous village and has the biggest ancient tea tree garden in Jingmai mountain,...




„Velmi dobré lisované čaje se vyrábějí v čínské provincii Jün-nan. Odtud také pochází proslulý čaj Pchu-er, který sice existuje i v podobě lístků, nejčastěji však bývá slisován do cihel, koláčů nebo misek. Pojmenování Pchu-er je odvozeno od názvu města a okresu, kde se tento čaj zpracovával už v době dynastie Tchang (618-907). Někdy jsou pod tímto jménem uváděny i čaje jiného druhu. Pravý Pchu-er je však nezaměnitelný a zcela výjimečný. “

Zdroj Kniha: Thoma, Michal; Thoma, Zdeněk; Thomová, Soňa. Příběh čaje[online]. Argo, 2002. s. 400. Dostupné z WWW: <>. ISBN: 80-7203-447-2. [q145] [s31]

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