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2011 "Zi Qi Dong Lai" Ripe Puerh Cake 150g

2011 "Zi Qi Dong Lai" Ripe Puerh Cake 150g
4.5 stars 2 hodnocení

"Zi Qi Dong Lai" : The Purple Air coming from the east -- a propitious omen (from the East) is approaching This small ripe puerh cake has been produced exclusively for our shop and Czech tea-sellers. We tasted many different materials and chose this blend together.Two kinds of materials from Menghai are in the blend: 2006 5th grade from Haiwan Tea Factory (stored in Anning) and 2008 Gongting (the highest quality ripe puerh) from a small factory in Menghai...

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred Mark“ Beeng Cha

2003 CNNP Yi Wu Arbor Ming Chien „Hundred Mark“ Beeng Cha
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Zpracování: přerušení oxidace, rolování, sušení na slunci, vlhčení, lisování provedené hydraulicky, čaj však lze vcelku dobře dělit. List: list excelentní kvality s velmi dobrým podílem tipsů, celkový vzhled je úpravný a jednotný. Vůně suchého listu je středně silná, harmonická, květová s tóny tmavého ovoce a třtinového cukru. <b>Nálev: </b> barva nálevu je medově zlatavá, vůně plně koresponduje s vůní suchého listu, oproti které se více prosazuje tmavý tón. Chuť nálevu je silná...

2013 Chawangpu "Shuang Shu" Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2013 Chawangpu "Shuang Shu" Xiao Bing Cha 200g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

This is the first time we made blending raw puer cake, so we took advice from a more experienced tea seller, who is also a friend. He offered many high quality Maocha from Mengsong area. The materials we chose came from the highest altitude (1860m) place, next to the Naban river national nature reserve. Far away from noise and pollution! Jingmai tea came from the same tea-maker as last year. We watched them only pick ancient trees for us. All the tea leaves are from one single...

1997 CNNP Big Red Mark Raw Puerh Cake

1997 CNNP Big Red Mark Raw Puerh Cake
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce: This cake is called "Da Hong Yin" or Big Red Mark. It's a blend from Banna area tea leaves and the raw materials are pressed into wooden molds that give them their irregular shape. The weight of these cakes are from 380g to 430g. The tea was stored in Hongkong traditional storage and then moved to Malasia. Its clean wet storage without white 'frost' on the surface.Aged aroma with hint of nutty, deep and clean tea soup. Smooth and sweet. The mouthfeel is complex, huigan is...

2013 Chawangpu "Gao Shan Liu Shui" Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2013 Chawangpu "Gao Shan Liu Shui" Xiao Bing Cha 200g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

高山流水 [gāo shān liú shuǐ] :lofty mountains and flowing water; -- referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet [find] people who can really appreciate them. These cakes are a blend of the high mountain ancient tree tea from Mengku and Menghai area. The Menghai materials came from 2012 spring harvest and were matured for a year in Kunming, then blend with 2013 early spring tea from Mengku East Mid-levels. The tea has a strong taste, fresh,...

2013 Chawangpu "He He" Xiao Bing Raw 200g

2013 Chawangpu "He He" Xiao Bing Raw 200g
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

He he is the last cake from Chawangpu 2013 spring production we offer now. He He is another Chinese name for two famous Chinese poets and Tao - Chan legendary figures. Han shan (寒山) and Shide (拾得). Hanshan and his sidekick Shide are honored as emanations of the boddhisatva Manjusri and Samantabhadra. They were very famous in China but now they are well know only in Chinese New year and wedding motives like He He. He-He er xian (Chinese: 和合二仙; pinyin: Hé-Hé èr xiān, i.e. "Two...

2003 CNNP "Yi Wu Old Tree Round Cake" Raw Aged Pu-erh tea cake

2003 CNNP "Yi Wu Old Tree Round Cake" Raw Aged Pu-erh tea cake
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce: Probably a small tea factory in Yi Wu area pressed this cake under the "zhong cha" label in 2003. Entirely spring 2013 Yi Wu mountain material. Stored in Jing Hong until 2012 when it was purchased by Yunnan Sourcing and brought to Kunming. Nice balanced traditional (wetter) storage. Nicely aged but without any moldy or off smells. Camphor and delicate aromas when brewed. Sweet thick tea soup. An enjoyable tropical stored tea!

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha "8549" Raw 357g

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha "8549" Raw 357g
3.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

This is one of classic recipe from Langhe tea factory which is similar with 8542 from Dayi. This tea is composed from blend of 2005 and 2006 spring harvest from Menghai area. This is first batch in 2006 (601) and is far way better than later batches. Clean orange tea soup with nice herbal and flower aroma, strong, pungent and rich in mouth with fast huigan. Some bitterness and powerful feeling give to this cake good potential for long term storage!

2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea 357 grams

2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea 357 grams
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

This is a newer Menghai release, first released in 2005 and then again in 2006, 2007, and 2008. This recipe is comprised entirely of Menghai county early spring raw material from 2007-2009 mao cha. It's special characteristics are bitter, pungent, aromatic and thick and full in the mouth. The tea quickly causes salivating in the mouth and cha qi is warming. Tightly rolled leaves lock in the pungent aroma! Producer: Menghai Tea Factory Vintage: 2009 / Batch...

Lao Banzhang 2013

Lao Banzhang 2013
5.0 stars 2 hodnocení

Lao Banzhang is the pu-erh that you will pay the most money for and the pu-erh that you find most likely a fake. Is it that good, is it worth it, try it and you make your own opinion. A few people that tried this one said it's the best pu they had. Now 7 gram samples for trying it - €9

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain

2006 Haiwan  Certified Organic Pasha Mountain
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Popis od podejce:Tall and straight forest - Meng Pasha Pasha in the Aini language means tall and straight forest. According to local people, Pusha was settled more than 300 years ago by people from the Jinghong and Damenglong area of Xishuangbanna. At that time this area had no villages or cultivated land within 10 kilometers and was dominated by vast mountains filledwith giant ancient tea trees. The Aini people, through foresight and diligent work,created their home on this land,...

2011 Bulang Shan Banpen Zhai Sheng Bing Cha

2011 Bulang Shan Banpen Zhai Sheng Bing Cha
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Výslovnost: Pu-lang Šan Banpen Čaj Šeng Ping ČchaPu'erový koláček o klasické hmotnosti 357 g z vesnice Banpen jíž najdeme v pohoří Bulang (Xishuangbanna, Yunnan) asi 15 km severně od známější Lao Ban Zhang. Pohoří Bulang se rozprostírá na jihu provincie Yunnan poblíž hranice Číny s Myanmarem. Oblast je známá svou produkcí kvalitních Pu’Erů a též prastarými čajovými zahradami. Místní monzunové podnebí a průměrná nadmořská výška 1500 m n. m. jsou ideální pro růst kvalitních...

2007 Zhen Si Long "Autumn Harvest Yi Wu" Raw Pu-erh tea cake

2007 Zhen Si Long "Autumn Harvest Yi Wu" Raw Pu-erh tea cake
4.5 stars 2 hodnocení

Fall 2007 Harvest * Yi Wu Wild Tea trees * 357 grams Zhen Si Long Tea company of Yi Wu is a small family run tea factory based in the Yi Wu mountain area of Xishuangbanna. Zhen Si Long has been producing teas since the late 90's and does many private pressings (like this year's Hai Lang Hao) as well as their own productions. This tea cake is produced entirely from Fall Harvest 2007 tea from Gao Shan Zhai and Luo Shui Dong area of Yi Wu. The leaves being fall harvest are...

2005 Changda Hao Yiwu Mansa Gu Shu Cha Raw Puerh Cake 400g

2005 Changda Hao Yiwu Mansa Gu Shu Cha Raw Puerh Cake 400g
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Changda Hao is one of famous and established earlier tea factory in Yiwu town. Changda Hao - also called Manluo Tea Factory adhere to the traditional process since its foundation in 1999. Each batch of manufactured according to traditional way - pure sun-dried materials, manual stone press, bamboo packaging, bamboo split strapping, classic design. Changda Hao produced two set of Six famous tea mountain raw puerh cake in 2005, and this is one cake from one set. Mansa is higher...

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Big Green Tree Yiwu (special grade) year 2004 is a very nice aged pu-erh still for a reasonable price. The tea was stored in Taiwan, lately in Guangzhou province in China. I recomend to try it, the whole bing cha's will be in stock later. Now 7 gram samples for trying it - €1.00

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Záznam z hory Pan od Wanga Přebývajícího v oblacích říká: ‚Vyvarujte se povídání si o lidech a osobnostech, sklonech a zvycích.‘“

Zdroj Kniha: Cleary, Thomas. Practical Taoism. Shambhala Publications Inc, 1998. s. 112. ISBN: 978-1570622007. [q732] [s79]

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