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Maocha - Yunnan - 2015

2015 Spring Man Nuo Gu Shu Mao Cha 50g

2015 Spring Man Nuo Gu Shu Mao Cha 50g
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Man Nuo ancient tea gardens, at an altitude of 1266 meters. The tea trees are really old and magnificent, most of them grow on the slopes, reach up to 2 or 3 meters high and more than 10 cm stem diameter. There are very few other trees in the garden. Dry tea leaves are tight and dark. Golden yellow tea soup, wild flowers aroma. The most loved aspect of this tea is its aftertaste, which has a special mellow flavor in the throat when drinking. Harvest area: Mannuo,...




„Antioxidanty v zeleném čaji mohou pomoci prevenci a snížení obtíží při reumatické artitídě, tak alespoň uvádí studie CWRU School of Medicinem uveřejněná 13.dubna 2005 ve vydání magazínu Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.“

Zdroj Web: Zelený čaj: Zelený čaj a zdraví[online]. Wikipedie. Dostupné z WWW: <ý_čaj>. [q160] [s35]

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