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Pasha - Čína - Roky 2005 až 2010

2006 Haiwan Organic Pasha Tea Brick 500g

2006 Haiwan Organic Pasha Tea Brick 500g
3.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

Popis od prodejce: This brick was stored in Kunming since 2006, it was made by using the best raw materials Haiwan Tea Factory could find. A few factors make this tea brick very expensive. 1. it's rare as it's hard to get it nowadays at the marketplace; 2. it's a certified 'Organic'; 3. its raw materials were harvested from ancient tea trees; 4. it's big 500g heavy, the equivalent of two standard 250g bricks, 5. it's a collector's item. Once you considered all of these factors, you...

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain

2006 Haiwan  Certified Organic Pasha Mountain
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Popis od podejce:Tall and straight forest - Meng Pasha Pasha in the Aini language means tall and straight forest. According to local people, Pusha was settled more than 300 years ago by people from the Jinghong and Damenglong area of Xishuangbanna. At that time this area had no villages or cultivated land within 10 kilometers and was dominated by vast mountains filledwith giant ancient tea trees. The Aini people, through foresight and diligent work,created their home on this land,...




Širokolistý druh čajovníku (Sinensis Assamica) je vysoce bohatý na přírodní složky; polyfenoly, kofein, thein, atd. Zvláštností širokolistého čajovník je jeho hořká chuť, ale je důležité, aby se rychle přeměnila a nezůstávala dlouho v čaji. Toto je známka dobré kvality čaje Puerh. Pozn. V Yunnanu lze též nalézt pod-druh čajovníku – druh ku cha, který má jiné vlastnosti a nepřeměňuje hořkost stejně jako širokolistý druh.“

Zdroj Web: Přeloženo ze Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Jak rozpoznat dobrý čaj Puerh?[online]. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q789] [s87]

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