2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g

0.0 stars  0.0  0 hodnocení  Přidáno 04.06.2014 uživatelem Ondřej, Stav čaje: [362] A 2752x
2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g
2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g 2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g 2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g
2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g 2014 Laos Ban Komaen (Blue) Gu Shu Raw Puerh Cake 200g

Druh: Pu-erh

Země: Laos

Sklizeň: Ban Komaen, Phongsaly, Laos

Datum výroby: 8.-9.3.2014, pressed 18.3.2014

Výrobce: Cha Wang Shop Exclusive Products

Prodejce: Cha Wang Shop

Cha Wang Shop

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Phôngsali is a province of Laos, bordering Yiwu, Yunnan. It is located high in the mountains, approximately 450–1,800 metres above sea level. Phôngsali is well know as ancient tea caravan in the past, is also one of the important origin of yunnan puer tea in history. In recent years, with the ancient tea market continued to heat up, more and more people set their sights on the border tea that come from unknown villages in Myanmar or Laos.
The ancient tea trees resources in mountain area are extremely rich, but the local tea making techniques are poor. Laos pu'er tea is seldom seen on the market. Many raw materials are bought by Yunnan tea makers and sold as more expensive Yiwu tea. A local told us that the distance between Gua Feng Zhai and Phôngsali is only several kilometres, the people from Gua Feng Zhai often come over to buy laos tea by motorcycle.
We made a trip to Laos in March and really got some nice tea from two villages .
Material came from the famous tea village named Ban Komaen. Ban Komaen have a really big ancient tea garden, many tea trees were planted in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The oldest tea trees are around 400 years old. The local government ban the use of herbicides and pesticides.
This tea was hand made in traditional way by Yao minority young man who came from another village near Gua feng zhai.
The first picking of fresh tea in early spring. We did not pick the Huang Pian (yellow leaves)out, so the tea can have complete power. Stone-pressed in small tea factory in Menghai.
Yellow and clean tea soup, full and stimulating in mouth. Rich and sweet, slight bitter taste with wild orchid fragrance, strong pure texture, with wonderful rock sugar finish.
200g per cake, 5 cakes in bamboo tong

  •   Počet zobrazení: 2752  

Čaje - Pu-erh

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Citace - Pu-erh

„Čaj, který je sklízen v létě, je často označován jako Yu Shui Cha a takový čaj nemá vysokou kvalitu. V období dešťů je úroveň slunečního záření srovnatelně nižší, a většinou tedy není možné sušit čaj na slunci. K sušení se pak používají kamna na dřevo. To pak může vytvářet kouřové aroma a chuť. To s časem odezní, ale ne úplně, tedy kouřový čaj, který jste neviděli vyrábět je nejlépe odložit.“

Zdroj Web: Přeloženo ze Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Jak rozpoznat dobrý čaj Puerh?[online]. Dostupné z WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com>. [q786] [s87]

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Zdroj Kniha: Cleary, Thomas. Practical Taoism. Shambhala Publications Inc, 1998. s. 112. ISBN: 978-1570622007. [q727] [s79]
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