Pu-erh - Jingmai - 3 a více hvězdiček

2014 Jingmai Gu Shu Huang Pian

2014 Jingmai Gu Shu Huang Pian
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Tento čaj pochází z Jingmai Da Zhai, pěstované v Da Ping Zhang oblasti, a je považován za nejlepší Jingmai čaje dostupný na trhu. Zakoupili jsme pár kilo této Huang Pian maoči a vzali ji do Kunming, kde část nabízíme jako volné listy a zbytek bude lisován do koláčů. Jedná se o raw puerh té nejvyšší kvality ze starších čajových lístků (Huang Pian - žluté listy, nebo Da Ye Zi). Starší listy pocházející ze stovky roků starých stromů, jde o zežloutlé, červené nebo oranžově zbarvené listy. Čajoví...

2013 Chawangpu "Shuang Shu" Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2013 Chawangpu "Shuang Shu" Xiao Bing Cha 200g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

This is the first time we made blending raw puer cake, so we took advice from a more experienced tea seller, who is also a friend. He offered many high quality Maocha from Mengsong area. The materials we chose came from the highest altitude (1860m) place, next to the Naban river national nature reserve. Far away from noise and pollution! Jingmai tea came from the same tea-maker as last year. We watched them only pick ancient trees for us. All the tea leaves are from one single...

2007 Jingmai Qiao Mu “0502”

2007 Jingmai Qiao Mu “0502”
3.5 stars 2 hodnocení, 6 komentářů

Popis od prodejce: Use Jingmai mountain arbor (Qiao Mu) tea which picked before Grain Rain (mid-April) as raw material, this traditional stone pressed cake is one of the most attractive raw puerh in our store. When make the tea, the house can be filled with fruity fragrance. It is a very enjoyable experience. Bright yellow infusions, with honey sweet taste and light apricot aroma, rich and balanced. After 4 years dry storing in Kunming, 0502 is very good for drink now. And this tea will...

2012 Chawangpu Jingmai Gu Shu Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2012 Chawangpu Jingmai Gu Shu Xiao Bing Cha 200g
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

This tea is from Jingmai Da Zhai, grown on the Da Ping Zhang area, and is considered some of the finest Jingmai tea available. Another famous tea village is Mangjing. The Mangjing tea taste more simple and bitter, therefore be sold at a lower price. Jingmai mountain is famous for middle/little leaf tea (中小叶种茶) which is popular for its sweet taste and floral aroma. Jingmai Da Zhai is one of the most famous village and has the biggest ancient tea tree garden in Jingmai mountain,...




„Nápoj zvaný zelený čaj (čínsky: 绿茶; pinyin: lǜchá; japonsky: 緑茶, rjokuča) je „pravý“ čaj, který při svém zpracování prošel minimální oxidací.“

Zdroj Web: Zelený čaj: Zelený čaj a zdraví[online]. Wikipedie. Dostupné z WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelený_čaj>. [q415] [s35]

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