Sheng - Raw Puerh - Manzhuan

2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g

2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

When people pick the tea from ancient trees, usually they pick one bud and three to four leaves. The third and fourth leaves are old and coarse. Old leaves became yellow after kill green and can not be rolled into strips. So the people would sort those yellow leaves out according to the production standard. The quality of these Huang Pian and the Mao Cha is consistent, Huang Pian were picked out just because of the poor appearance. This cake is made of arbor tea from three...

2015 Quanjihao Manzhuan Raw Puerh Tea Paste 100g

2015 Quanjihao Manzhuan Raw Puerh Tea Paste 100g
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Established in the Qing Dynasty and passed down for thirteen generations, Quanjihao (Quan family) is a representative tea shop producing tea with delicate craftsmanship. Mr.Quan is in his 60s and he's still making tea and the packing by hand. Manzhuan tea paste, made from the finest raw material, are full of fantastic delicious flavor and nutrition. In order to make a good tea paste, Mr.Quan had consulted various old people and tea-makers, tried many times and...

ManZhuan 2013 - blind tasting set 5

ManZhuan 2013 - blind tasting set 5
3.5 stars 1 hodnocení

sladkastá, bohatá, hutná chuť nastupuje už od začiatku, pri druhom nálevu vystupuje do popredia už aj ušlachtilá gushu horkosť, v šálke voňajú krásne kvetinkové vône, pu-erh z Manzhuan-u má úžastnú transformáciu, prechod, už prvý rok archivácie na sladkáste medové tóny, ktoré v ňom cítiť už teraz, pozor na dávkovanie, je to ozaj mocný čaj, koláče tohto čaju nie sú lisované až tak silno, ako ostatné tohtoročne jarné pu-erh-y tohtoročné ručné lisovanie jarných pu-erh koláčov sa...

Sheng 2013 Blind Tasting Set

Sheng 2013 Blind Tasting Set
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Buy only teas you like not teas you think you like! This is a blind tasting set of all spring puerh teas. The samples are numbered and its identity can be revealed at any time by a request. If you don not like this game you always can buy a usual tasting set of the same teas with labels. There are 7 samples per 7 grams. The whole set is about 13% cheaper than buying the samples one by one. In case you guess the correct name for each tea you win a 50...




„Sladkost čaje
Pokud si usrknete raw puerhu měl by se velmi rychle dostavit sladký pocit v ústech. Čím silnější, déle trvající, vyrovnanější chuť, tím je to lepší čaj.“

Zdroj Web: Přeloženo ze Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Jak rozpoznat dobrý čaj Puerh?[online]. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q792] [s87]

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