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Sheng - Raw Puerh - Mengsong - 2013

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha

2013 Spring Mengsong Baotang Gushu Maocha
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Mengsong is one of the oldest ancient tea area in Menghai. Baotang old village is located next to the ancient tea garden. The ancient tea gardens are at an altitude of 1800 meters above the mountains. We tasted many kinds of Maocha and this is one of the pure Gushu(Ancient tea trees) tea samples. This tea has soft texture - mildly sweet and flowers aromas. Slightly bitter, cool and refreshing feeling left in the mouth.

2013 Chawangpu "Shuang Shu" Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2013 Chawangpu "Shuang Shu" Xiao Bing Cha 200g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

This is the first time we made blending raw puer cake, so we took advice from a more experienced tea seller, who is also a friend. He offered many high quality Maocha from Mengsong area. The materials we chose came from the highest altitude (1860m) place, next to the Naban river national nature reserve. Far away from noise and pollution! Jingmai tea came from the same tea-maker as last year. We watched them only pick ancient trees for us. All the tea leaves are from one single...




„Karavany procházejí oblastí Sip Song Phan Na (Xishuangbanna), a pak už vstoupí na starou čajovou cestu po níž pomalu pokračují směrem na sever. Místo odkud vyrážejí, je známe jako Údolí šesti čajových hor. Právě zde se začali psát dějiny čaje. “

Zdroj Film: YANG, Weinhu; NOLL, Michel. Cesta čaje a koní: Sur la route légendaire du thé. Solferino Images, Time Production, China Yunnam TV, Česká televize, 2008. [q326] [s34]

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