Wuliang - 4 a více hvězdiček - 5 hvězdiček

2004 Jin Hao Feng Huang Ripe Puerh Tuo Cha 100g

2004 Jin Hao Feng Huang Ripe Puerh Tuo Cha 100g
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení

The best ripe tuo cha this factory has ever made. The 801 product line is well known for the highest grade of leaves and mellow taste. Handpicked in high mountains (more than 2000 meters high mountain area in Wuliangshan), large leaf tea. Finely and traditionally processed. After 7 years aging, the tea produces sweet, smooth taste and aged fragrance of dried longan. A full deep ruby colored liquor with nice aroma. Very good storage in Kunming! Such a good tea is...

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha
4.2 stars 2 hodnocení

This tea is collected from ancient, wild trees on Wuliang mountain. These are truely wild trees, that haven't been planted by humans and average around 800-1000 years old. The leaves naturally have honey like characteristics in the taste and aroma, which lends them very well to being made into hongcha (Red/Black tea). I find it difficult to get excited by many hongcha - the oxidisation often seems to mute many of the characteristics of teas that I find most enjoyable. This one...




„Za sladkastú chuť v zelenom čaji môže aminokyselina L-theanín, ktorá sa produkuje v koreňoch čajovníkov a odtiaľ je transportovaná do stoniek a listov. Mladšie lístky obsahujú vyšší obsah L-theanínu ako staré listy. Vysoký obsah tejto aminokyseliny určite nájdeme v zatieňovaných čajoch typu Kabusé, Gyokuro a veľmi obľúbenom práškovom čaji Matcha. Tiež ho obsahujú všetky prvozberové (Ichibancha) čaje typu Sencha, Kukicha či Tamaryokucha.“

Zdroj Web: Attila Kántor. Gold in teapot[online]. Dostupné z WWW: <http://goldinteapot.blogspot.sk/2013/11/kukitya-2013-pu-erhsk.html>. [q931] [s106]

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