Mengsong is one of the oldest ancient tea area in Menghai. Baotang old village is located next to the ancient tea garden. The ancient tea gardens are at an altitude of 1800 meters above the mountains. We tasted many kinds of Maocha and this is one of the pure Gushu(Ancient tea trees) tea samples. This tea has soft texture - mildly sweet and flowers aromas. Slightly bitter, cool and refreshing feeling left in the mouth.
This is one of the best quality green tea which is produced in Yunnan province. First spring harvest in early March 2013 from high mountain, picked tender buds and carefully processed. Though this tea is often called "Bi luo Chun" in the marketplace, Neither appearance nor taste are similar with original "Bi Luo Chun". The materials were picked from Yunnan varietal tree - Yun Kang No.10 (different from Bi Luo Chun Xiao Ye Zhong tree). So we name this tea "Gao Shan Yin Ya" and it means...
This is the first time we made blending raw puer cake, so we took advice from a more experienced tea seller, who is also a friend. He offered many high quality Maocha from Mengsong area. The materials we chose came from the highest altitude (1860m) place, next to the Naban river national nature reserve. Far away from noise and pollution! Jingmai tea came from the same tea-maker as last year. We watched them only pick ancient trees for us. All the tea leaves are from one single...
高山流水 [gāo shān liú shuǐ] :lofty mountains and flowing water; -- referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet [find] people who can really appreciate them. These cakes are a blend of the high mountain ancient tree tea from Mengku and Menghai area. The Menghai materials came from 2012 spring harvest and were matured for a year in Kunming, then blend with 2013 early spring tea from Mengku East Mid-levels. The tea has a strong taste, fresh,...
He he is the last cake from Chawangpu 2013 spring production we offer now. He He is another Chinese name for two famous Chinese poets and Tao - Chan legendary figures. Han shan (寒山) and Shide (拾得). Hanshan and his sidekick Shide are honored as emanations of the boddhisatva Manjusri and Samantabhadra. They were very famous in China but now they are well know only in Chinese New year and wedding motives like He He. He-He er xian (Chinese: 和合二仙; pinyin: Hé-Hé èr xiān, i.e. "Two...
Jinggu area, it's famous for one of varietal tea trees – Da Bai Hao – “Big White tomentum”. The tea leaves and buds with dense white tomentum are larger than other tea variety. Its delicate aroma is sweet and appealing, its taste is thick mellow and unforgettable. This is one of highest Yunnan black tea production - first harvest, hand picked and highly selective process. Pleasant taste of Yunnan Hong Cha (black teas). The dry material - hairy aromatic long buds. Rich flavorful...
Spring comes to Yunnan earlier this year. And also spring teas from regular spring harvest are picked a bit early.This good quality green tea comes from Simao area and was picked in late February. Picked one bud and two leaves. Commercial name for this tea is Bi luo chun in Kunming market, but we feel this tea doesn't look like original Biluochun, and the taste is not similar either. We call this tea Huoqing, because the look of jade green leaves is very similar to Yongxi Huoqing (涌溪火青,...
Lao Banzhang is the pu-erh that you will pay the most money for and the pu-erh that you find most likely a fake. Is it that good, is it worth it, try it and you make your own opinion. A few people that tried this one said it's the best pu they had. Now 7 gram samples for trying it - €9
"Bao Hong" tea is from Yi Liang county of Yunnan. It's leaf is quite small and it carries a high level of aroma. The leaves are always picked when very small and fresh during a two hour window of time in the early morning of early March. The aroma is intense and fresh. It was first grown in the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618-907) at the same time a Buddhist Monastery was built on Bao Hong Mountain. The original tea plant was brought by a visiting monk from Fujian. This tea has been growing on...
This is a lightly processed black tea that was hand-crafted using a wild tree purple leaf varietal from Dehong prefecture. Ye Sheng "野生“ varietal aka "Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze var. assamica (J. Masters) Kitam." is a primeval varietal that pre-dates Camellia Sinensis var. Assamica and is a naturally occuring non hybridized varietal. It's potency in cha qi arises from it's unadulterated nature. It is naturally bug repellent, grows wild in the forests of Yunnan at an altitude of 1600-2200...
Třída: AAA Kultivar: Yunnan Da Ye Oblast: Zhenyuan, Simao, Yunnan Charakteristika: výtečný yunnanský zelený čaj produkovaný z velkolisté variety yunnanského čajovníku, celistvý drobnější list, velmi vysoké kvality, zelenavý nálev příjemně silné, harmonické, charakteristicky svěží chuti s květově ovocnýmmi tóny.
„Jestliže usiluješ o o slávu a bohatsví, jak můžeš vysvobodit svou duši z pozemské říše?“
21.06.2018 @ 09:54:35 - sypalino:
Ochutnávka po téměř dalších dvou letech, čajové lístky v suchém stavu stále pěkně voní,...
04.04.2017 @ 09:44:12 - sypalino:
Ochutnávka po 5-ti letech. Chuťově je teď takový převážně ovocný s lehkou...
30.08.2016 @ 08:53:24 - sypalino:
Po delší ochutnávka, jak se čaj vyvíjí. Suchý list si stále drží příjemné aroma, barva...
25.03.2016 @ 19:54:31 - sypalino:
Zdravím, čaj je podle mého soudu vynikající, jako sváteční pití vřele doporučuji, také...
25.03.2016 @ 11:01:46 - massilia:
Už jste někdo pil tento čaj? Celkem mne zajímá, uvažoval jsem o něm jako o takovém...
24.03.2016 @ 10:10:59 - Ondřej:
Hekai 15 mi z loňských Chawang čajů chutnal nejvíc. Loňské jaro prý bylo dobré a na...
23.03.2016 @ 18:58:57 - massilia:
Hmm, ten loňský Hekai jsem ještě nepil. To je tak dobrý, že stojí za celý tong? Obecně...
23.03.2016 @ 13:24:52 - Ondřej:
Nejprve jsem pořídil vzorek a hned poté si objednal jeden kousek. Připravoval jsem ho...
21.03.2016 @ 16:13:09 - massilia:
Zatím jsem ho vařil tak třikrát čtyřikrát. Jednou jsem při oplachu a prvních nálevech...
21.03.2016 @ 13:54:24 - massilia:
Osobně zůstávám na klasice: 4g/100 ml, vařící voda, časy...
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