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Menglong Tea Factory - Čaje

2006 Ye Sheng Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha Raw 250g

2006 Ye Sheng Qiao Mu Zhuan Cha Raw 250g
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

The Menglong TF made this 250g tea brick from ancient wild tea tree material in 2006. Purple large leaves varietal tea is from Mengmao village, Baoshan region. This place is famous for wild arbor tea (Qiao Mu). It is the optimum ecological environment for the growth of grandifoliate planted tea trees. Four years proper store in Kunming makes the tea soup golden yellow, fruity aroma and a smooth flavour. The taste resembles some sorts of laocha(old oolong tea)! The packing paper is not...

2011 Mengmao Lao Shu Ye Sheng Xiao Bing 100g

2011 Mengmao Lao Shu Ye Sheng Xiao Bing 100g
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení

2011 Spring harvest. This material come from Baoshan area, 2600 meters high mountain closed with Mengmao village. There is home for wild arbor big tea trees in ecological environment. This tea is 100% organic - more than 90% vegetation cover, it's a beautiful place free from pollution. Residence is known for undiscovered "paradise", "tea tree ancestor". This kind of wild tea has special purple color leaves. This tea is called three color tea. Fresh leaves are purple, dried tea is...




„Oprostit srdce od žádostí a myšlenek, být v prázdoně, znamená splynout s taem. Tao se nedá uchopit pomocí myšlenek. Musí být prožito přímo srdcem.“

Zdroj Kniha: WONG, Eva; ŽLÁBKOVÁ, Jana. SEDM TAOISTICKÝCH MISTRŮ: Čínský lidový román: O cestě návratu k podstatě. Praha : Pavel Dobrovský - BETA, 2006. s. 232. ISBN: 80-7306-247-X. [q306] [s6]

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