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Nan Jian Tea Factory - Čaje

2010 Yunnan Yin Hao Xiao Yuan Cha- Raw Organic Small Iron Cake (930)125g

2010 Yunnan Yin Hao Xiao Yuan Cha- Raw Organic Small Iron Cake (930)125g
3.0 stars 1 hodnocení

This nice small cake is made from early spring Wuliangshan and Lincang material. Many buds and apparent leaf tips.Iron cake is tightly compressed, so its qualitative transformation is slow. Definitely tea for longer-term store.The soup is clear and bright. It has faint scent, pleasant to the palate. The taste is strong and powerfull, floral and sweet huigan. (CERTIFIED ORGANIC OFDC SEPA)

2004 Jin Hao Feng Huang Ripe Puerh Tuo Cha 100g

2004 Jin Hao Feng Huang Ripe Puerh Tuo Cha 100g
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení

The best ripe tuo cha this factory has ever made. The 801 product line is well known for the highest grade of leaves and mellow taste. Handpicked in high mountains (more than 2000 meters high mountain area in Wuliangshan), large leaf tea. Finely and traditionally processed. After 7 years aging, the tea produces sweet, smooth taste and aged fragrance of dried longan. A full deep ruby colored liquor with nice aroma. Very good storage in Kunming! Such a good tea is...




„A v tom je smysl meditace: stát se uvnitř prázdnými. Ani myšlenka se ve vás nezachvěje…žádný obsah, jen prázdno. V tom okamžiku zmizí veškerá mizérie, protože ta existuje jen v myšlenkách; zmizí smrt, protože i smrt existuje jen v myšlenkách; zmizí minulost, protože celé její břemeno nesete ve svých myšlenkách; rozplynou se ambice, neboť jak byste bez myšlenek mohli být ambiciózní? Jak byste se bez myšlenek mohli zbláznit?“

Zdroj Kniha: Osho. Tři poklady Tao: Rozjímání nad sútrami Lao-c’eho Tao te ťingu. Olomouc : Fontána, 2009. s. 468. ISBN: 978-80-7336-494-6. [q120] [s22]

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