Quanjihao 权记号 - Čaje - Sheng - Raw Puerh

2015 Quanjihao Manzhuan Raw Puerh Tea Paste 100g

2015 Quanjihao Manzhuan Raw Puerh Tea Paste 100g
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Established in the Qing Dynasty and passed down for thirteen generations, Quanjihao (Quan family) is a representative tea shop producing tea with delicate craftsmanship. Mr.Quan is in his 60s and he's still making tea and the packing by hand. Manzhuan tea paste, made from the finest raw material, are full of fantastic delicious flavor and nutrition. In order to make a good tea paste, Mr.Quan had consulted various old people and tea-makers, tried many times and...




„Kukicha je akási miešanina čajových lístkov a stoniek. Má nižší obsah povzbudzujúcich látok a je vhodný aj na večerné popíjanie. Môžeme sa stretnúť aj s vyššou triedou čaju Kukicha, vtedy nesie názov Karigane, ktoré obsahuje lístky a stonky čaju Gyokuro. Pokiaľ čaj tvoria len pražené stonky ide o typ čaju Houjicha tzv. houji boucha.“

Zdroj Web: Attila Kántor. Gold in teapot[online]. Dostupné z WWW: <http://goldinteapot.blogspot.sk/2013/11/kukitya-2013-pu-erhsk.html>. [q930] [s106]

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