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Fotky - Koláč

Nèi fēi (内飞 or 內飛): A small ticket originally stuck on the tea cake but now usually embedded into the cake during pressing. It is usually used as proof, or a possible sign, to the authenticity of the tea. Some higher end pu'er cakes have more than one nèi fēi embedded in the cake. The ticket usually indicates the tea factory and brand

Zdroj Web: Pu-erh tea shapes[online]. Wikipedia. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q858] [s63]

The most classical Puerh Tea is the Bingcha, recorded in Yong-Zheng 13th year in Qing Dynasty (1735). Each tea cake weighs 7 Liang (357 grams). Seven cakes make 1 Tong (wrapped in leaves), weighing 49 Liang. It was sold in nice places and also was exported abroad. It was re-named as "Yunnan Qizi bingcha - Yunnan seven cake tea" during the Cutural revolution.

Zdroj Web: Pu-erh tea shapes[online]. Wikipedia. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q857] [s63]

Pu-erh shape - Bing, Beeng, Cake, or Disc - A round, flat, disc or puck-shaped tea, the size ranges from as small as 100g to as large as 5 kg or more, with 357g, 400g, and 500g being the most common. Depending on the pressing method, the edge of the disk can be rounded or perpendicular. It is also commonly known as Qīzí bǐngchá (七子餅茶, literally "seven units cake tea") because seven of the bing are packaged together at a time for sale or transport.

Zdroj Web: Pu-erh tea shapes[online]. Wikipedia. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q851] [s63]

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Tao je široširé prázdno, z něhož vše povstává a do něhož vše padá zpátky. Je nevyčerpatelné, protože nemá žádné meze.
Možná nevíte, že nula byla objevena v Indii, poněvadž Indie si uvědomila, že vše povstává z nicoty, z nuly, a vše se do ní vrací zpět. Vaše cesta vede od nuly k nule. Koncepce nuly, šunjáta, prázdnota, je základem vší matematiky. Pokud byste odstranili nulu, matematika se zbortí.“

Zdroj Kniha: Osho. Tři poklady Tao: Rozjímání nad sútrami Lao-c’eho Tao te ťingu. Olomouc : Fontána, 2009. s. 468. ISBN: 978-80-7336-494-6. [q119] [s22]
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