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Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan is a tropical tree that produces edible fruit. It is one of the better known tropical members of the soapberry family to which the lychee also belongs. It is native to the Indomalaya ecozone defined by South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Zdroj Web: Longan[online]. WikiPedia. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q910] [s97]

The longan (龍眼 lóng yǎn, lit. dragon eye), is so named because it resembles an eyeball when its fruit is shelled (the black seed shows through the translucent flesh like a pupil/iris). The seed is small, round and hard, and of an enamel-like, lacquered black.

Zdroj Web: Longan[online]. WikiPedia. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q912] [s97]

The fruit is sweet, juicy and succulent in superior agricultural varieties and, apart from being eaten fresh, is also often used in East Asian soups, snacks, desserts, and sweet-and-sour foods, either fresh or dried, sometimes canned with syrup in supermarkets. The taste is different from lychees; while longan have a drier sweetness, lychees are often messily juicy with a more tropical, sour sweetness.

Zdroj Web: Longan[online]. WikiPedia. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q914] [s97]

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Zdroj Kniha: WONG, Eva; ŽLÁBKOVÁ, Jana. SEDM TAOISTICKÝCH MISTRŮ: Čínský lidový román: O cestě návratu k podstatě. Praha : Pavel Dobrovský - BETA, 2006. s. 232. ISBN: 80-7306-247-X. [q307] [s6]
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