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Essence of Tea - Čaje - 2013

2013 A few Single Trees (maocha)

2013 A few Single Trees (maocha)
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

This tea is a blend of a few single tree teas from Bangwei and Bulang. These trees stand out from their neighbours as some of the biggest and oldest trees in their gardens. This is a very special tea. It is composed of a large proportion of buds, from the first flush of Spring. The taste is very pure, thick and with plenty of strength. There is a hint of taste from the wok, perhaps it wasn't cleaned properly between batches during hand-processing, but this should settle over the...

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha
4.2 stars 2 hodnocení

This tea is collected from ancient, wild trees on Wuliang mountain. These are truely wild trees, that haven't been planted by humans and average around 800-1000 years old. The leaves naturally have honey like characteristics in the taste and aroma, which lends them very well to being made into hongcha (Red/Black tea). I find it difficult to get excited by many hongcha - the oxidisation often seems to mute many of the characteristics of teas that I find most enjoyable. This one...




„Oprostit srdce od žádostí a myšlenek, být v prázdoně, znamená splynout s taem. Tao se nedá uchopit pomocí myšlenek. Musí být prožito přímo srdcem.“

Zdroj Kniha: WONG, Eva; ŽLÁBKOVÁ, Jana. SEDM TAOISTICKÝCH MISTRŮ: Čínský lidový román: O cestě návratu k podstatě. Praha : Pavel Dobrovský - BETA, 2006. s. 232. ISBN: 80-7306-247-X. [q306] [s6]

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