Essence of Tea - Čaje - Červený čaj

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha

2013 Wuliang Wild Hongcha
4.2 stars 2 hodnocení

This tea is collected from ancient, wild trees on Wuliang mountain. These are truely wild trees, that haven't been planted by humans and average around 800-1000 years old. The leaves naturally have honey like characteristics in the taste and aroma, which lends them very well to being made into hongcha (Red/Black tea). I find it difficult to get excited by many hongcha - the oxidisation often seems to mute many of the characteristics of teas that I find most enjoyable. This one...




„Na rozdíl od čínských zelených čajů se v Japonsku k přerušení oxidace většinou používá horká pára.“

Zdroj Web: Japonské zelené čaje[online]. Wikipedie. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q420] [s58]

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