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2006 Haiwan Organic Pasha Tea Brick 500g

2006 Haiwan Organic Pasha Tea Brick 500g
3.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

Popis od prodejce: This brick was stored in Kunming since 2006, it was made by using the best raw materials Haiwan Tea Factory could find. A few factors make this tea brick very expensive. 1. it's rare as it's hard to get it nowadays at the marketplace; 2. it's a certified 'Organic'; 3. its raw materials were harvested from ancient tea trees; 4. it's big 500g heavy, the equivalent of two standard 250g bricks, 5. it's a collector's item. Once you considered all of these factors, you...




„A šaman už zahajuje svatební obřad. Čte úryvky z knihy čaje Meng Beng a opakuje slova boha čaje: ‚Zanechám-li svým dětem peníze nebo potravu, brzy jim nezbude nic. Zanechám-li jim čajovníky, je to dar, který bude trvat věčně, generaci za generací.‘“

Zdroj Film: YANG, Weinhu; NOLL, Michel. Cesta čaje a koní: Sur la route légendaire du thé. Solferino Images, Time Production, China Yunnam TV, Česká televize, 2008. [q345] [s34]

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