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Tea Urchin - Čaje

2011 Bang Wei Spring

2011 Bang Wei Spring
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Bang Wei tea is known for its mild, pleasant, easy to drink nature. It has a sweet grassy flavor, the tea liquor is clear and bright yellow, with an aroma of sticky rice and genmaicha. Located in Lancang province, a day’s drive from the nearest airport, Bang Wei is less visited than more famous tea producing areas like Lincang, Menghai, or Yiwu. This village has many excellent ancient tea trees, growing at 1,800m elevation, including a massive 1,700 year old tree that dominates the village....

2012 Miles' Birthday Blend Spring

2012 Miles' Birthday Blend Spring
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

This cake is a special Yiwu blend that we made to celebrate the birth of our son Miles, the dragon baby. When he was 5 months in the womb, he visited the mountains where this tea was made. The leaves are 80% Gua Feng Zhai, 20% secret :) Completely hand made, stone pressed & double wrapped, this cake is a gem. The story behind the wrapper design - Miles was born in the year of the dragon, at 9:43am. The time of birth is indicated by the position of the dragon's forearms. Because Miles was...

Gao Shan Zhai 2012 Spring

Gao Shan Zhai 2012 Spring
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis prodejce: This is our favorite Tea Urchin pressing from the first batch of early Spring 2012 maocha. This Gao Shan Zhai 高山寨 puerh cake is pressed from un-pruned 300 year old trees and has amazing chaqi that is almost euphoric. It also has great endurance, lasting for 15+ infusions. The wet leaves give off a sweet, light, floral fragrance, the liquor is a clear bright yellow. Look out for the ethereal huigan that rises into the nasal cavity. Completely hand processed according to...

2012 Zhang Jia Wan

2012 Zhang Jia Wan
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Popis prodejce: Zhang Jia Wan 张家湾 is a tea growing region on Man Sa mountain, north of Yiwu, just a few kilometres from the Laos border. In 1981, Zhang Jia Wan’s residents were relocated to Man La town, 13km away, down in the valley next to the highway. Their 300+ year old tea trees now grow isolated, high on the mountain at 1,300-1,600m elevation, making them highly prized. They are small arbor trees, having been cut down once in the 1980s to make way for corn. Luckily these hardy trees...

Luo Shui Dong 2012 Spring

Luo Shui Dong 2012 Spring
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Tento koláč je vyroben z vysoce kvalitního Gushu materiálu pocházejícího z Luo Shui Dong 落水洞 - slavná obec produkující puer v horách Yiwu. Farmáři zde převážně pochází z etnické menšiny Hanů, kteří jsou známí svou vynikající ruční zpracovatelskou technikou. Tento čaj byl vyroben brzy na jaře, nálev je jasný, zářivě žlutý, se sladkou máslovou chutí v ústech. Vzhledem k tomu, že se čaj velmi dobře pije již jako mladý puerh, Luo Shui Dong je tedy dobrým vstupním bodem pro nováčky sheng (raw)...




„Pěstitelé pak museli hledat odbytiště a našli je v Tibetu. Vzhledem k tomu, že na tibetských náhorních plošinách neroste žádná zelenina, umožňovala směs čaje s jačím máslem obyvatelům zpestřit příliš tučnou stravu. Cesta čaje a koní, po které dodnes putují karavany, se tedy otevřela před více než tisíci lety. “

Zdroj Film: YANG, Weinhu; NOLL, Michel. Cesta čaje a koní: Sur la route légendaire du thé. Solferino Images, Time Production, China Yunnam TV, Česká televize, 2008. [q402] [s34]

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