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Yunnan Sourcing - Čaje - 2013

2013 Yunnan Sourcing "Year of the Snake Red Label" Ripe Pu-erh tea cake

2013 Yunnan Sourcing "Year of the Snake Red Label" Ripe Pu-erh tea cake
3.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Prémiový zralý pu-erh složený výhradně z 6 až 4 letého ripe puerhu z Lincangu. Lehká až střední fermentace jarního materiálu ze starých plantáží čajových stromů dává tomuto čaji silnou chuť. Pěkný huigan a silná cha qi! Čaj bude ještě zrát a jeho chuť se tak bude ještě vyvíjet!

2013 Early Spring "Yunnan Bao Hong" Green tea

2013 Early Spring "Yunnan Bao Hong" Green tea
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

"Bao Hong" tea is from Yi Liang county of Yunnan. It's leaf is quite small and it carries a high level of aroma. The leaves are always picked when very small and fresh during a two hour window of time in the early morning of early March. The aroma is intense and fresh. It was first grown in the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618-907) at the same time a Buddhist Monastery was built on Bao Hong Mountain. The original tea plant was brought by a visiting monk from Fujian. This tea has been growing on...

2013 "Light Roast" Wild Tree Purple Varietal Black Tea of Dehong

2013 "Light Roast" Wild Tree Purple Varietal Black Tea of Dehong
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

This is a lightly processed black tea that was hand-crafted using a wild tree purple leaf varietal from Dehong prefecture. Ye Sheng "野生“ varietal aka "Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze var. assamica (J. Masters) Kitam." is a primeval varietal that pre-dates Camellia Sinensis var. Assamica and is a naturally occuring non hybridized varietal. It's potency in cha qi arises from it's unadulterated nature. It is naturally bug repellent, grows wild in the forests of Yunnan at an altitude of 1600-2200...




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Zdroj Web: Přeloženo ze Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Jak rozpoznat dobrý čaj Puerh?[online]. Dostupné z WWW: <>. [q778] [s87]

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