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Dooteriah SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel 2nd Flush 2012

Dooteriah SFTGFOP 1 CH Muscatel 2nd Flush 2012
3.0 stars 1 hodnocení

bohatá, mierne 'bariková' chuť po dubových sudoch ako pri vínach, razatná a vyvážená horkosť, hladká a výrazná dochuť, pri krátších nálevoch čajové lístky davajú hodnotné aj ďaľšie nálevy, pri druhom náleve je dochuť príjemne mľaskavá, sorry za výraz ale málokedy sa mi stáva že po čiernych čajoch ešte si hodnú chviľu pomľaskávam a vychutnávam jeho dochuť, skorej pri lepších gušhu pu-erh-och

2011 Mengmao Lao Shu Ye Sheng Xiao Bing 100g

2011 Mengmao Lao Shu Ye Sheng Xiao Bing 100g
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

2011 Spring harvest. This material come from Baoshan area, 2600 meters high mountain closed with Mengmao village. There is home for wild arbor big tea trees in ecological environment. This tea is 100% organic - more than 90% vegetation cover, it's a beautiful place free from pollution. Residence is known for undiscovered "paradise", "tea tree ancestor". This kind of wild tea has special purple color leaves. This tea is called three color tea. Fresh leaves are purple, dried tea is...

2006 Bailong TF Jinggu "Da Bai Hao" 357g

2006 Bailong TF Jinggu "Da Bai Hao" 357g
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Jinggu area, it's famous for one of varietal tea trees – Da Bai Hao – “Big White tomentum”. The tea leaves and buds with dense white tomentum are larger than other tea variety. Its delicate aroma is sweet and appealing, its taste is thick mellow and unforgettable. Sun dried 2006 spring material, compression is medium. Sweet, light floral with comfortable mouth feel. This tea is good to drink now. Yunnan Jinggu Tea Mill was founded in1958 and used to be one of the six CNNP...

2011 Yunnan Mao Feng (early March)

2011 Yunnan Mao Feng (early March)
2.0 stars 1 hodnocení

The Yunnan Mao Feng is one of most popular green teas from Simao

2008 Liu-an Sun Yi Shun Brand Bamboo Basket Tea 250gr

2008 Liu-an Sun Yi Shun Brand Bamboo Basket Tea 250gr
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

The original taste of young Liu-an is more near green tea. Today as before, its popularity lead many companies to fake Sun Yi Shun liu an baskets. Many businessmen moisturize a young tea wet to be more "old". So maybe in the past you drank some bitter and "aged tea". We want to guarantee you high quality and original Sun Yi Shun traditional Liu-an tea. We suggest you can try some sample for taste.Liu-an is a post-fermented tea usually compressed into bamboo baskets and aged. The...

2012 Spring Slight Charcoal Roasted Zhangping Shui Xian Mini Cakes

2012 Spring Slight Charcoal Roasted Zhangping Shui Xian Mini Cakes
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

"Shui Xian" (also spelled Shui Hsien) - narcissus or water sprite This great and rare oolong - Zhangping Shui Xian oolong, named after the fragrance similar with daffodil, created in 1914. Zhangping is a famous place for Shui Xian oolong tea which is very different in manner and taste from Wuyi Shui Xian. Zhangping Shuixian cake is the only kind of pressed oolong tea. This charcoal roasted Shuixian cake is orthodox type product. Picking fresh leaves from late September...

2012 Mo Li Long Zhu Hua Cha Jasmine Dragon Pearl Green Tea

 2012 Mo Li Long Zhu Hua Cha Jasmine Dragon Pearl Green Tea
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

This is very good quality Yunnan green tea, pick one bud with one leaf and one bud with two leaves in late March and careful rolling to "dragon pearls" ! Jasmine Dragon Pearl is flavored with original fresh Jasmine flowers( 茉莉花). The production time must wait until late May or early June, when Jasmine flowers bloom in Guangxi province. The making process is very lengthy and difficult but the original jasmine tea without synthetic essence is very pleasant ! Tea liquor is light yellow, smooth,...

2012 Spring Te Ji Grade Lianghe Hui Long Green Tea

2012 Spring Te Ji Grade Lianghe Hui Long Green Tea
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

"Te Ji" - premium grade of famous high mountain green tea from Huilong village, Dachang township, Lianghe county, Dehong prefecture. Huilong village (Hui Long Zhai) , land area 1.28 square kilometers, elevation 1650 meters, average annual temperature 14.9 ℃, annual precipitation 1491.6 mm. Strong spicy fragrance of dry leaves. Pick one bud and two leaf. This year the Hui Long tea not have too many buds like last year tea in the same quality, buds are smaller. This tea is very good for...

2012 Yunnan Green Tea Chun Jian

2012 Yunnan Green Tea Chun Jian
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Chun Jian (春尖) –Tento zelený čaj pochází z oblasti Simao a byl sklizen v půli března. Obsahuje 1/3 tipsů (buds) a 2/3 lístků. Nálev je sladký, svěží.

2012 Chawangpu Jingmai Gu Shu Xiao Bing Cha 200g

2012 Chawangpu Jingmai Gu Shu Xiao Bing Cha 200g
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

This tea is from Jingmai Da Zhai, grown on the Da Ping Zhang area, and is considered some of the finest Jingmai tea available. Another famous tea village is Mangjing. The Mangjing tea taste more simple and bitter, therefore be sold at a lower price. Jingmai mountain is famous for middle/little leaf tea (中小叶种茶) which is popular for its sweet taste and floral aroma. Jingmai Da Zhai is one of the most famous village and has the biggest ancient tea tree garden in Jingmai mountain,...

2012 Myanmar - Beyond The Small Mengsong Mountain Gushu Xiao Bing 200g

2012 Myanmar - Beyond The Small Mengsong Mountain Gushu Xiao Bing 200g
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Nezpracovaný materiál pro tento koláč pochází z vesnic Myanmaru (Barma), jde o severní hranici malého pohoří Mengsong. Čajovníky jsou staré zhruba 300 let a jsou neobhospodařovány. Místí lidé žijí v izolované oblasti, kde je velmi problematická doprava, proto je čaj přenášen přes hranici na zádech. Čaj není drahý, ale není jej snadné získat.

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Sip Song Phan Na je jediná oblast tropického deštného pralesa táhnoucí se podél obratníku Raka. Je jedinečná nevšedním bohatstvím flóry a fauny. Žijí tu např. různé druhy opic, asijští sloni a tygři. Díky horkým létům, mírným zimám a celoročnímu úhrnu srážek, který se pohybuje mezi 1000 a 2000 mm, skýtala tato hornatá oblast ideální podmínky pro růst zvláštního druhu rostliny rodu Camellia. Velkého čajovníku čínského - Camellia sinensis. “

Zdroj Film: YANG, Weinhu; NOLL, Michel. Cesta čaje a koní: Sur la route légendaire du thé. Solferino Images, Time Production, China Yunnam TV, Česká televize, 2008. [q327] [s34]

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