Popis prodejce: 2016 was very special because cold winter and spring drought destroyed one-third of the tea. Spring teas from last year have strong taste, more powerful than many previous years. We made this cake especially for long term aging and offer for sell limited quantity now. Pure spring tea blend of high level materials from four different places in Menghai. We believe that you will enjoy this 400g cakes in the near future as one of our best teas we ever made. Stone compressed in...
Lao Yu (老妪) : old woman Material for this cake came from a small Bulang village in Bada mountain. This village have very small quantity of tea trees that grow in the forest. Trees are relative old, but farmers cut the branches when trees get too tall. Tea trees are kept at easy-picking height because the tea is picked and made by old women in this village. They follow ancient ways to produce tea. Many of them make tea only for themself. We selected and bought good...
2008 Yi Wu Gu Shu, jaro, směs z různých oblastí. Do roku 2015 zrál na Taiwanu.
Last winter was unusually cold. Many people thought they would have a good harvest the next spring. We bought little tea at first from Manguishan. Many people fought to take the first pick spring tea, that drive up the price. We wanted to wait and ask for a better price.Then there were no more tea! The tea buds withered up because there was no rain. There has been no rain throughout the spring, until the end of April. Drought destroyed one-third of the spring tea. We are lucky...
This cake is made by friend´s shop in small quantity just 150kg in total. First spring harvest from Xiao Hu Sai village, trees from single garden and age 80-120 year. Pure hand made , sun dried and stone pressed. Strong aroma, powerfull but balanced, thick, sweet, fast huigan, Aftertaste is long,For people who enjoy power of your raw puerh tea, this can be an great choice. In other way we can recommend it for storage for drinking after 10-15 years. This tea is wrappered in white...
I tasted several 7542 original Dayi cakes from recent years going back to 1997. Only the oldest made quiet an impression on me. Although this one cost several hundreds Euro already. I also run into a few 'private order 7542 cakes too. The 2011 one, a dry stored in Jiangsu, with very strong typical characteristics and a good price had to end up in pu-erh.sk aged raw pu-erh teas offer. Taste: Clean without any disturbing side effect, a strong bitterish, fruity 'menghai'...
Bang Wei tea is known for its mild, pleasant, easy to drink nature. It has a sweet grassy flavor, the tea liquor is clear and bright yellow, with an aroma of sticky rice and genmaicha. Located in Lancang province, a day’s drive from the nearest airport, Bang Wei is less visited than more famous tea producing areas like Lincang, Menghai, or Yiwu. This village has many excellent ancient tea trees, growing at 1,800m elevation, including a massive 1,700 year old tree that dominates the village....
This cake is a special Yiwu blend that we made to celebrate the birth of our son Miles, the dragon baby. When he was 5 months in the womb, he visited the mountains where this tea was made. The leaves are 80% Gua Feng Zhai, 20% secret :) Completely hand made, stone pressed & double wrapped, this cake is a gem. The story behind the wrapper design - Miles was born in the year of the dragon, at 9:43am. The time of birth is indicated by the position of the dragon's forearms. Because Miles was...
Popis prodejce: Zhang Jia Wan 张家湾 is a tea growing region on Man Sa mountain, north of Yiwu, just a few kilometres from the Laos border. In 1981, Zhang Jia Wan’s residents were relocated to Man La town, 13km away, down in the valley next to the highway. Their 300+ year old tea trees now grow isolated, high on the mountain at 1,300-1,600m elevation, making them highly prized. They are small arbor trees, having been cut down once in the 1980s to make way for corn. Luckily these hardy trees...
Pozdní jarní sběr roku 2014, oblast Mengsong, mírná fermentace. Klasický ripe puerh z oblasti Menghai vyrobený z 60-80 let starých stromů. Tmavě červený nálev, plný a uhlazený s tóny tmavé čokolády, sladký dozvuk. Lez ho zalévat hodně krát. Skvělý zralý ripe puerh k okamžitému pití, ale je též vhodný k dlouhodobému uložení.
This tea was found in friend´s warehouse in Menghai where was stored since 2005. Clean but tropical storage change the taste very nice. Large strong leaves with fat buds. Smooth, sweet aged woody and ripe fruit taste, slightly very comfortable bitterness, fast huigan. Production date : harvest Spring 2005, pressed 2015/4 Harvest Area : Bulang mountain, Menghai Weight : 200g per cake, 5 cakes in bamboo tong (1kg)
This is a good example of CNNP "7542" production. This custom-made "7542" cake was made by an affiliated factory of Menghai TF. This tea cake is composed of wild arbor and garden tea. First three years stored in China and then bought and stored in Malaysia since 2004. Clean and very good storage! Full body, balanced, sweet, with fast huigan. Give many enjoyable infusions !
"Youle qiaomu" is custom-made product from Kunming TF. The Maocha came from Youle mountain (also called Jinuoshan, Jinuo mountain). The Youle mountain (also called Jinuo mountain) is one of Six Famous Tea Mountains in Xishuangbanna. This cake is composed of early spring material from arbor tea garden (qiaomu). The maocha comes from traditional old place and has been traditionally and primitively processed by the Jinuo minority and carefully pressed into this raw puerh cake. In Former...
Nevěsta - Fénix z pohoří Bu Lang (2010 Bu Lang Jie Liang Xiao Beeng Cha) Místo: okolí vesnice Jie Liang, cca 11 km od Lao Man E Mao Cha: přirozeně rostoucí čajovníky staré 90 až 100 let, sklízí se dlouhý a silný tips se dvěma listy. List nesmírně atraktivního vzhledu a prvotřídní kvality, zpracovaný zcela původním tradičním postupem (sha qing provedeno ve woku na ohni, sušení na slunci). Lisování: ručně provedené v kamenných formách, koláček o hmotnosti...
Ženich - Drak z pohoří Bu Lang (2010 Bu Lang Zheng Jia San Dui Xiao Beeng Cha) Místo: vesnice Zheng Jia San Dui, pouhých 15 km od Lao Ban Zhan (téměř veškerý místní Mao Cha je obchodován v Lao Ban Zhan jako Mao Cha pocházející přímo z Lao Ban Zhan, od kterého je podstatě nerozeznatelný) Mao Cha: divoce rostoucí čajovníky staré až 250 let, sklízí se dlouhý a silný tips se dvěma listy. List nesmírně atraktivního vzhledu a nejvyšší možné kvality, zpracovaný zcela původním...
„Černý čaj je oxidován nejvíce - přes polovinu jeho polyfenolů je zoxidováno. Obsahuje tedy jak okysličené, tak neokysličené (přírodní) polyfenoly. Ty okysličené vytvářejí chuť, barvu a aroma černého čaje, zatímco přírodní polyfenoly dodávají nápoji charakteristickou trpkost, která stimuluje činnost slinných žláz a zahání žízeň. “
21.06.2018 @ 09:54:35 - sypalino:
Ochutnávka po téměř dalších dvou letech, čajové lístky v suchém stavu stále pěkně voní,...
04.04.2017 @ 09:44:12 - sypalino:
Ochutnávka po 5-ti letech. Chuťově je teď takový převážně ovocný s lehkou...
30.08.2016 @ 08:53:24 - sypalino:
Po delší ochutnávka, jak se čaj vyvíjí. Suchý list si stále drží příjemné aroma, barva...
25.03.2016 @ 19:54:31 - sypalino:
Zdravím, čaj je podle mého soudu vynikající, jako sváteční pití vřele doporučuji, také...
25.03.2016 @ 11:01:46 - massilia:
Už jste někdo pil tento čaj? Celkem mne zajímá, uvažoval jsem o něm jako o takovém...
24.03.2016 @ 10:10:59 - Ondřej:
Hekai 15 mi z loňských Chawang čajů chutnal nejvíc. Loňské jaro prý bylo dobré a na...
23.03.2016 @ 18:58:57 - massilia:
Hmm, ten loňský Hekai jsem ještě nepil. To je tak dobrý, že stojí za celý tong? Obecně...
23.03.2016 @ 13:24:52 - Ondřej:
Nejprve jsem pořídil vzorek a hned poté si objednal jeden kousek. Připravoval jsem ho...
21.03.2016 @ 16:13:09 - massilia:
Zatím jsem ho vařil tak třikrát čtyřikrát. Jednou jsem při oplachu a prvních nálevech...
21.03.2016 @ 13:54:24 - massilia:
Osobně zůstávám na klasice: 4g/100 ml, vařící voda, časy...
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