2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g

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2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g
2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g 2016 Chawangpu Manzhuan Gu Shu Huang Pian 200g

Druh: Pu-erh

Země: Čína

Oblast: Yunnan

Sklizeň: 曼庄,曼林和八总寨, Mengla, Xishuanbanna

Datum výroby: jaro 2016

Výrobce: Cha Wang Shop Exclusive Products

Prodejce: Cha Wang Shop

Cha Wang Shop

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When people pick the tea from ancient trees, usually they pick one bud and three to four leaves. The third and fourth leaves are old and coarse. Old leaves became yellow after kill green and can not be rolled into strips. So the people would sort those yellow leaves out according to the production standard. The quality of these Huang Pian and the Mao Cha is consistent, Huang Pian were picked out just because of the poor appearance.

This cake is made of arbor tea from three villages in Manzhuan mountain. Huangpian is sweeter and more easily to drink, and also lower price. The family had helped Taiwan's famous tea company to make tea. Spring fresh leaves from the carefully selected tea field. Using the correct method to produce high-quality raw puerh tea (neither green tea nor yellow tea. Some tea merchants began experimenting with other ways to produce puerh tea in order that the tea is ideal for immediate consumption, but not good for aging.)

Early spring and spring tea, not contain late spring tea; 100% arbor tea, not blend with small trees tea; carefully handpicked, free of tea powder. These features decided it is different from general Huang Pian product.

Intense apricot and orchid fragrance, fresh taste, lots of power and richness. And the tea will only get more impressive as time goes on.

Weight : 200g per cake, 5 cakes in one bamboo tong - 1kg

  •   Počet zobrazení: 3449  

Čaje - Pu-erh

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Citace - Pu-erh

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Zdroj Web: Přeloženo ze Zhi Zheng Tea Shop. Jak rozpoznat dobrý čaj Puerh?[online]. Dostupné z WWW: <http://www.zhizhengtea.com>. [q784] [s87]

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