Sheng - Raw Puerh

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain

2006 Haiwan  Certified Organic Pasha Mountain
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Popis od podejce:Tall and straight forest - Meng Pasha Pasha in the Aini language means tall and straight forest. According to local people, Pusha was settled more than 300 years ago by people from the Jinghong and Damenglong area of Xishuangbanna. At that time this area had no villages or cultivated land within 10 kilometers and was dominated by vast mountains filledwith giant ancient tea trees. The Aini people, through foresight and diligent work,created their home on this land,...

2011 Bulang Shan Banpen Zhai Sheng Bing Cha

2011 Bulang Shan Banpen Zhai Sheng Bing Cha
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Výslovnost: Pu-lang Šan Banpen Čaj Šeng Ping ČchaPu'erový koláček o klasické hmotnosti 357 g z vesnice Banpen jíž najdeme v pohoří Bulang (Xishuangbanna, Yunnan) asi 15 km severně od známější Lao Ban Zhang. Pohoří Bulang se rozprostírá na jihu provincie Yunnan poblíž hranice Číny s Myanmarem. Oblast je známá svou produkcí kvalitních Pu’Erů a též prastarými čajovými zahradami. Místní monzunové podnebí a průměrná nadmořská výška 1500 m n. m. jsou ideální pro růst kvalitních...

2007 Zhen Si Long "Autumn Harvest Yi Wu" Raw Pu-erh tea cake

2007 Zhen Si Long "Autumn Harvest Yi Wu" Raw Pu-erh tea cake
4.5 stars 2 hodnocení

Fall 2007 Harvest * Yi Wu Wild Tea trees * 357 grams Zhen Si Long Tea company of Yi Wu is a small family run tea factory based in the Yi Wu mountain area of Xishuangbanna. Zhen Si Long has been producing teas since the late 90's and does many private pressings (like this year's Hai Lang Hao) as well as their own productions. This tea cake is produced entirely from Fall Harvest 2007 tea from Gao Shan Zhai and Luo Shui Dong area of Yi Wu. The leaves being fall harvest are...

Yiwu 1999 maocha

Yiwu 1999 maocha
3.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Yiwu 1999 maocha is a well stored tea in Taiwan. Loose leaves, maocha, is not stored that much so that if there is some it becomes a rare tea. A worth of trying. Now 7 gram samples for trying it - 1g - €3,20

2005 Changda Hao Yiwu Mansa Gu Shu Cha Raw Puerh Cake 400g

2005 Changda Hao Yiwu Mansa Gu Shu Cha Raw Puerh Cake 400g
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Changda Hao is one of famous and established earlier tea factory in Yiwu town. Changda Hao - also called Manluo Tea Factory adhere to the traditional process since its foundation in 1999. Each batch of manufactured according to traditional way - pure sun-dried materials, manual stone press, bamboo packaging, bamboo split strapping, classic design. Changda Hao produced two set of Six famous tea mountain raw puerh cake in 2005, and this is one cake from one set. Mansa is higher...

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004

Big Green Tree Yiwu 2004
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Big Green Tree Yiwu (special grade) year 2004 is a very nice aged pu-erh still for a reasonable price. The tea was stored in Taiwan, lately in Guangzhou province in China. I recomend to try it, the whole bing cha's will be in stock later. Now 7 gram samples for trying it - €1.00

2010 Yunnan Sourcing Bang Ma Wild Arbor Pu-Erh

2010 Yunnan Sourcing Bang Ma Wild Arbor Pu-Erh
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Podzimní sklizeň z čajovníků věku 60-200 let rostoucích ve vesnici Bang Ma (poblíž Lincangu, oblast Mengku) ve výšce okolo 2000 metrů. Vůně příjemně medová, tóny pečeného ovoce. Chuť nahořklá, lehce bylinná, ovocná.

2012 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea

2012 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

Premium blend of first flush of spring tea * Batch 201This is a newer Menghai release, first released in 2005 and then again in 2006, 2007, and 2008. This recipe is comprised entirely of Menghai county early spring raw material from 2009-2011 mao cha. It's special characteristics are bitter, pungent, aromatic and thick and full in the mouth. The tea quickly causes salivating in the mouth and cha qi is warming. Tightly rolled leaves lock in the pungent aroma!...

2002 Yi Wu "Ancient Spirit" Raw Pu-erh Tea cake

2002 Yi Wu "Ancient Spirit" Raw Pu-erh Tea cake
4.7 stars 3 hodnocení, 5 komentářů

Vyrobeno výhradně z jarního materiálu 2002. Tento vlhčeji uložený koláč z oblasti Banna v sobě spojuje uhlazenou vyzrálou chuť s květinovým / kafrovým aroma. Čaj byl lisovaný tradiční metodou kameny a byl uložen v horkém a vlhkém Jing Hong až do roku 2011, kdy byl přesunut do Kunmingu. Pěkný, vlhčeji uložený čaj s vyzrálejší chutí. 380g koláč.

2003 Xiaguan Jiaji Tuocha in box

2003 Xiaguan Jiaji Tuocha in box
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 4 komentáře

Popis od prodejce: Classic Xiaguan green box JiaJi tuocha is replenished! Xiaguan TF has been producing Jiaji Tuocha since 1951. Earlier used "CNNP"brand, was replaced by "pine crane" trademark in 1991. Paper box Tuocha is superior to paper bag Tuocha in quality. Old green paper box Tuocha has become the most popular product and much sought after. 2003 was a generally good year, full flavor and well-chosen maocha. After 8 years of a good storage, this tea can be very enjoyable to drink...

2007 Yong Pin Hao Spring Yiwu Zheng Shan

2007 Yong Pin Hao Spring Yiwu Zheng Shan
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce: Yong Pin Hao adhere to the traditional process since its foundation in 1999. Each batch of manufactured according to traditional way - pure sun-dried materials, manual stone press, bamboo packaging, bamboo split strapping, classic design. One of the great Yong Pin Hao products. This early spirng (late of March) raw puerh cake is composed from Yiwu area older tea trees (about 60 years) materials. Traditional “sha-qing” (kill-green) processing in wok and sun-dried....

2007 Jingmai Qiao Mu “0502”

2007 Jingmai Qiao Mu “0502”
3.5 stars 2 hodnocení, 6 komentářů

Popis od prodejce: Use Jingmai mountain arbor (Qiao Mu) tea which picked before Grain Rain (mid-April) as raw material, this traditional stone pressed cake is one of the most attractive raw puerh in our store. When make the tea, the house can be filled with fruity fragrance. It is a very enjoyable experience. Bright yellow infusions, with honey sweet taste and light apricot aroma, rich and balanced. After 4 years dry storing in Kunming, 0502 is very good for drink now. And this tea will...

2005 Jinuo Shan You Le "Red Sun Drum"

2005 Jinuo Shan You Le "Red Sun Drum"
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce: This is produced by the Jinuo Mountain tea factory of Xi Shuang Banna and is composed entirely of Early Spring 2005 You Le Mountain tea from 50 to 70 year old trees near Longpa village. Jinuo Shan is the name given to "You Le Mountain" by local Jinuo minority group that lives in the area. The Jinuo Mountain tea factory was started in 2003 by a development grant given by the Xishuangbanna Prefectural government to develop You Le Mountain tea production with the aim to...

2009 Hai Lang Gao Shan Zhai Autumn

2009 Hai Lang  Gao Shan Zhai Autumn
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce : 2009 Hai Lang "Gao Shan Zhai Autumn" Raw Pu-erh tea cake * 400 grams A pure wild arbor tea from hundreds of year old trees. This is from the same exact village and family as the 2009 Spring Hai Lang "Gao Shan Zhai" production! An incredible tea with a total production of just 34 kilograms (84 cakes). Gao Shan Zhai Pure Large Tree Tea Tasting notes: This Gaoshanzhai large tree tea is composed of thick and plump dark strips of tea. It has a particularly strong...

2007 Xiaguan FT "Number 4" Premium

2007  Xiaguan FT "Number 4" Premium
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce : The #4 cake is produced from 1, 2 and 3 year old raw material and wasblended in the traditional style of other Xiaguan products. This FTrelease is higher quality than regular Xiaguan productions and it really shows in the taste of the tea. The look of the leaves themselves is a dark green and brown color, theleaves are strong with lots of bud and leaf sets on a stem. The leavesare somewhat broken, this cake was tightly compressed using a hydraulicpress. The liquor...

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„Černý čaj je oxidován nejvíce - přes polovinu jeho polyfenolů je zoxidováno. Obsahuje tedy jak okysličené, tak neokysličené (přírodní) polyfenoly. Ty okysličené vytvářejí chuť, barvu a aroma černého čaje, zatímco přírodní polyfenoly dodávají nápoji charakteristickou trpkost, která stimuluje činnost slinných žláz a zahání žízeň. “

Zdroj Kniha: Thoma, Michal; Thoma, Zdeněk; Thomová, Soňa. Příběh čaje[online]. Argo, 2002. s. 400. Dostupné z WWW: <>. ISBN: 80-7203-447-2. [q139] [s31]

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