Boyou Tea Factory - Čaje - Shu - Ripe Puerh

2005 Boyou TF 0508M Ripe Puerh Cake

2005 Boyou TF 0508M Ripe Puerh Cake
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Boyou was founded in 2005, now is one of the factories which still adhere to the strictest sanitary standard in Xishuangbanna. Boyou TF hire Master Huang An Shun who was fermentation workshop director working at the Menghai Tea factory since 1957 to be supervisor for fermentation process. 05 series ripe puerh is the first batch of products. Used 2005 fermented and matured materials, after more than six months storage, select eight grade material and blended into this...

2005 Boyou TF 0507M Ripe Puerh Cake

2005 Boyou TF 0507M Ripe Puerh Cake
5.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Boyou was founded in 2005, now is one of the factories which still adhere to the strictest sanitary standard in Xishuangbanna. Boyou TF hire Master Huang An Shun who was fermentation workshop director working at the Menghai Tea factory since 1957 to be supervisor for fermentation process. 05 series ripe puerh is the first batch of products. Used 2005 fermented and matured materials, after more than six months storage, select 7th grade material and blended into this...




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