This tea came from Mangzhi mountain which is located in the west of Xiangming village...
Tento čaj pochází z podzimní sklizně 2014 z oblasti Mengsong (Menghai) a jde o blend z...
The raw materials of this cake came from Jingdong, Myanmar, just west of the...
Pozdní jarní sběr roku 2014, oblast Mengsong, mírná fermentace. Klasický...
This tuo is composed from spring material from Menghai area (most from Bulang mountain) and from different...
This is one of classic recipe from Langhe tea factory which is similar with 8542 from Dayi. This tea is...
Jia Ji (甲级) - "A-Grade" Čaj byl uložen v horské oblasti na Tchaj-wanu. Pil jsem...
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