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Origin Tea

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Origin Tea

Origin Tea



New Taipei City



Origin Tea is a small, registered online business based in Taipei, Taiwan.

We are straightforward and simple. As tea lovers, we like to focus our efforts and resources where they should be focused - on tea. Our teas are sourced from wholesale distributor​s, reputable dealers/collectors;and from tea makers who personally select raw leaves from production regions. We do not waste time and money (both ours and hence yours) on things like fancy packaging; fantastic tales and sales pitches; long tea descriptions which say little; endless articles about the health effects of tea which are still under study etc. Instead, we make all of our teas available at sample sizes, so you can decide what a tea is like for yourself.

At Origin Tea we have one goal: to make high quality teas available worldwide at reasonable prices.

  •   Počet zobrazení: 7686  




Sheng 2013 Blind Tasting Set

Sheng 2013 Blind Tasting Set
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

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1980's Zhongcha 8653 (HK/Malaysian stored)

1980's Zhongcha 8653 (HK/Malaysian stored)
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

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2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha

2006 Langhe TF Meng Hai Chitse Beeng Cha "8549" Raw 357g
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