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Yunnan Sourcing - Čaje

2013 Yunnan Sourcing "Year of the Snake Red Label" Ripe Pu-erh tea cake

2013 Yunnan Sourcing "Year of the Snake Red Label" Ripe Pu-erh tea cake
3.5 stars 1 hodnocení

Prémiový zralý pu-erh složený výhradně z 6 až 4 letého ripe puerhu z Lincangu. Lehká až střední fermentace jarního materiálu ze starých plantáží čajových stromů dává tomuto čaji silnou chuť. Pěkný huigan a silná cha qi! Čaj bude ještě zrát a jeho chuť se tak bude ještě vyvíjet!

2012 Yunnan Sourcing "Qiu Yun" Wild Arbor Raw Pu-erh tea of Yi Wu mountain

2012 Yunnan Sourcing "Qiu Yun" Wild Arbor Raw Pu-erh tea of Yi Wu mountain
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

Popis od prodejce : Pozdní podzimní sklizeň čaje z divokých arber čajových stromů (mezi 60 a 80 let staré), rostoucí v oblasti vesnice Yi Bi z Yi Wu kraje. Zcela bez chemického ošetření, čaj pochází z jedné rodinné čajové zahrady. Ručně zpracované od začátku až do konce, ale bez kouřivostí! CKlasická Yi Wu chuť, silný a plný v ústech. Sladké dochuť s tónyi trávy a hub. Qiu Yun (秋韵) znamená "píseň podzimu"

2003 CNNP "Yi Wu Old Tree Round Cake" Raw Aged Pu-erh tea cake

2003 CNNP "Yi Wu Old Tree Round Cake" Raw Aged Pu-erh tea cake
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce: Probably a small tea factory in Yi Wu area pressed this cake under the "zhong cha" label in 2003. Entirely spring 2013 Yi Wu mountain material. Stored in Jing Hong until 2012 when it was purchased by Yunnan Sourcing and brought to Kunming. Nice balanced traditional (wetter) storage. Nicely aged but without any moldy or off smells. Camphor and delicate aromas when brewed. Sweet thick tea soup. An enjoyable tropical stored tea!

2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea 357 grams

2009 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea 357 grams
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

This is a newer Menghai release, first released in 2005 and then again in 2006, 2007, and 2008. This recipe is comprised entirely of Menghai county early spring raw material from 2007-2009 mao cha. It's special characteristics are bitter, pungent, aromatic and thick and full in the mouth. The tea quickly causes salivating in the mouth and cha qi is warming. Tightly rolled leaves lock in the pungent aroma! Producer: Menghai Tea Factory Vintage: 2009 / Batch...

2006 Haiwan Certified Organic Pasha Mountain

2006 Haiwan  Certified Organic Pasha Mountain
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Popis od podejce:Tall and straight forest - Meng Pasha Pasha in the Aini language means tall and straight forest. According to local people, Pusha was settled more than 300 years ago by people from the Jinghong and Damenglong area of Xishuangbanna. At that time this area had no villages or cultivated land within 10 kilometers and was dominated by vast mountains filledwith giant ancient tea trees. The Aini people, through foresight and diligent work,created their home on this land,...

2007 Zhen Si Long "Autumn Harvest Yi Wu" Raw Pu-erh tea cake

2007 Zhen Si Long "Autumn Harvest Yi Wu" Raw Pu-erh tea cake
4.5 stars 2 hodnocení

Fall 2007 Harvest * Yi Wu Wild Tea trees * 357 grams Zhen Si Long Tea company of Yi Wu is a small family run tea factory based in the Yi Wu mountain area of Xishuangbanna. Zhen Si Long has been producing teas since the late 90's and does many private pressings (like this year's Hai Lang Hao) as well as their own productions. This tea cake is produced entirely from Fall Harvest 2007 tea from Gao Shan Zhai and Luo Shui Dong area of Yi Wu. The leaves being fall harvest are...

2010 Yunnan Sourcing Bang Ma Wild Arbor Pu-Erh

2010 Yunnan Sourcing Bang Ma Wild Arbor Pu-Erh
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Podzimní sklizeň z čajovníků věku 60-200 let rostoucích ve vesnici Bang Ma (poblíž Lincangu, oblast Mengku) ve výšce okolo 2000 metrů. Vůně příjemně medová, tóny pečeného ovoce. Chuť nahořklá, lehce bylinná, ovocná.

2012 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea

2012 Menghai "Spring of Menghai" Raw Pu-erh tea
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení, 2 komentáře

Premium blend of first flush of spring tea * Batch 201This is a newer Menghai release, first released in 2005 and then again in 2006, 2007, and 2008. This recipe is comprised entirely of Menghai county early spring raw material from 2009-2011 mao cha. It's special characteristics are bitter, pungent, aromatic and thick and full in the mouth. The tea quickly causes salivating in the mouth and cha qi is warming. Tightly rolled leaves lock in the pungent aroma!...

2013 Early Spring "Yunnan Bao Hong" Green tea

2013 Early Spring "Yunnan Bao Hong" Green tea
4.5 stars 1 hodnocení

"Bao Hong" tea is from Yi Liang county of Yunnan. It's leaf is quite small and it carries a high level of aroma. The leaves are always picked when very small and fresh during a two hour window of time in the early morning of early March. The aroma is intense and fresh. It was first grown in the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618-907) at the same time a Buddhist Monastery was built on Bao Hong Mountain. The original tea plant was brought by a visiting monk from Fujian. This tea has been growing on...

2013 "Light Roast" Wild Tree Purple Varietal Black Tea of Dehong

2013 "Light Roast" Wild Tree Purple Varietal Black Tea of Dehong
4.0 stars 1 hodnocení

This is a lightly processed black tea that was hand-crafted using a wild tree purple leaf varietal from Dehong prefecture. Ye Sheng "野生“ varietal aka "Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze var. assamica (J. Masters) Kitam." is a primeval varietal that pre-dates Camellia Sinensis var. Assamica and is a naturally occuring non hybridized varietal. It's potency in cha qi arises from it's unadulterated nature. It is naturally bug repellent, grows wild in the forests of Yunnan at an altitude of 1600-2200...

2002 Yi Wu "Ancient Spirit" Raw Pu-erh Tea cake

2002 Yi Wu "Ancient Spirit" Raw Pu-erh Tea cake
4.7 stars 3 hodnocení, 5 komentářů

Vyrobeno výhradně z jarního materiálu 2002. Tento vlhčeji uložený koláč z oblasti Banna v sobě spojuje uhlazenou vyzrálou chuť s květinovým / kafrovým aroma. Čaj byl lisovaný tradiční metodou kameny a byl uložen v horkém a vlhkém Jing Hong až do roku 2011, kdy byl přesunut do Kunmingu. Pěkný, vlhčeji uložený čaj s vyzrálejší chutí. 380g koláč.

2005 Jinuo Shan You Le "Red Sun Drum"

2005 Jinuo Shan You Le "Red Sun Drum"
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce: This is produced by the Jinuo Mountain tea factory of Xi Shuang Banna and is composed entirely of Early Spring 2005 You Le Mountain tea from 50 to 70 year old trees near Longpa village. Jinuo Shan is the name given to "You Le Mountain" by local Jinuo minority group that lives in the area. The Jinuo Mountain tea factory was started in 2003 by a development grant given by the Xishuangbanna Prefectural government to develop You Le Mountain tea production with the aim to...

2009 Hai Lang Gao Shan Zhai Autumn

2009 Hai Lang  Gao Shan Zhai Autumn
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce : 2009 Hai Lang "Gao Shan Zhai Autumn" Raw Pu-erh tea cake * 400 grams A pure wild arbor tea from hundreds of year old trees. This is from the same exact village and family as the 2009 Spring Hai Lang "Gao Shan Zhai" production! An incredible tea with a total production of just 34 kilograms (84 cakes). Gao Shan Zhai Pure Large Tree Tea Tasting notes: This Gaoshanzhai large tree tea is composed of thick and plump dark strips of tea. It has a particularly strong...

2007 Xiaguan FT "Number 4" Premium

2007  Xiaguan FT "Number 4" Premium
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce : The #4 cake is produced from 1, 2 and 3 year old raw material and wasblended in the traditional style of other Xiaguan products. This FTrelease is higher quality than regular Xiaguan productions and it really shows in the taste of the tea. The look of the leaves themselves is a dark green and brown color, theleaves are strong with lots of bud and leaf sets on a stem. The leavesare somewhat broken, this cake was tightly compressed using a hydraulicpress. The liquor...

2007 Menghai Tea Factory 7532

2007 Menghai Tea Factory  7532
0.0 stars 0 hodnocení

Popis od prodejce : A classic recipe from Menghai, but the first production of 2007 (701). The highest grade material is always used for first batch productions and is highly sought after by collectors. Don't be confused this cake does not represent raw Pu-erh tea produced in 2007, rather it is a blend of premium Menghai area raw material from 2006. 7532 recipe is one of highest grade recipes used to compose raw tea cakes. The flavor is strong and pungent but that will mellow with age...

2007 Boyou "Man Lu Da Shan" Meng Song

2007 Boyou "Man Lu Da Shan" Meng Song
4.2 stars 3 hodnocení, 1 komentář

Popis od prodejce: Boyou tea factory was started by yet another ex-Menghai tea blender. Boyou is well known for showcasing Menghai tea mountains and making Ripe Pu-erhs that rival Da Yi ripe teas. This particular tea cake was the Silver Prize winner at the 2007 Tea Culture Exhibition in Chengdu. It is a tea produced entirely from Meng Song mountain tea trees. Meng Song tea trees are well known for being a slightly smaller leaf varietal that was the result of cross-breeding several...




„Osvědčený proces lisování čaje do 500g cihel se zachoval, i když svaly vesničanů už dávno nahradila koňská síla a elektřina. Na připravení zásilky k expedici stačí pouhé dva týdny.“

Zdroj Film: YANG, Weinhu; NOLL, Michel. Cesta čaje a koní: Sur la route légendaire du thé. Solferino Images, Time Production, China Yunnam TV, Česká televize, 2008. [q344] [s34]

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