the creation of Puerh Paste from within Yunan Province, China. basically, it's similar to making hash or hemp oil. they brew the tea, then continue to sift it through smaller and smaller sized hole mesh bags until the final mixture is a paste. seems to me if there's a direct way to go tea infusion, this might be it.
“Video tagy: Pu-erh, Čína, Výroba čaje
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Video tagy: Pu-erh, Čína, Bulang, Výroba čaje, Gushu
Video tagy: Čína, Pu-erh, Výroba čaje, Yunnan
Video tagy: Čína, Pu-erh, Výroba čaje, Yunnan
Video tagy: Černý čaj, Oolong, Taiwan, Výroba čaje, Zdraví, Zelený čaj
Video tagy: Taiwan, Oolong, Zelený čaj, Černý čaj, Zdraví, Výroba čaje
Video tagy: Čína, Maocha, Pu-erh, Výroba čaje, Yunnan
Video tagy: Aromatizovaný čaj, Jasmínový čaj, Výroba čaje, Zelený čaj
Video tagy: Koláč, Pu-erh, Výroba čaje
Big Green Tree Yiwu (special grade) year 2004 is a very nice aged pu-erh still for a reasonable price. The...
Spring comes to Yunnan earlier this year. And also spring teas from regular spring harvest are picked a...
Boyou was founded in 2005, now is one of the factories which still adhere to the strictest sanitary...
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